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Handle Profiles

Deploy Profiles

Use Permission Sets

In case an attribute is available on Profiles and Permission Sets: USE PERMISSION SETS :)

  • Apex Class Access (classAccesses)
  • Custom Metadata Type Access (customMetadataTypeAccesses)
  • External Data Source Access (externalDataSourceAccesses)
  • Field Permissions (fieldPermissions)
  • Object Permissions (objectPermissions)
  • Page Access (pageAccesses)
  • User Permissions (userPermissions (except on Admin Profile))

If you are on a build project, it is recommended to automate Minimize Profile so such attributes are automatically removed from Profiles before Merge Requests.

Tab visibility

When you retrieve a profile, standard tabs visibility is not present in the XML.

This is quite boring because if you do nothing, Calendar, Tasks, Home or Contact tab visibilities won't be deployed !

To avoid that, standard tab visibility must be added in the Profile XML.

You can use sfdx-hardis command Fix Profile Tabs to Show / Hide tabs in your Profile XML files.