Command | Title |
hardis:auth:login | Login |
Command | Title |
hardis:cache:clear | Clear sfdx-hardis cache |
Command | Title |
hardis:config:get | Deploy metadata sources to org |
Command | Title |
hardis:doc:extract:permsetgroups | Generate project documentation |
hardis:doc:plugin:generate | Generate SFDX Plugin Documentation |
Command | Title |
hardis:lint:access | check permission access |
hardis:lint:metadatastatus | check inactive metadatas |
hardis:lint:missingattributes | check missing description on custom fields |
hardis:lint:unusedmetadatas | check unused labels and custom permissions |
Command | Title |
hardis:mdapi:deploy | sfdx-hardis wrapper for sfdx force:mdapi:deploy that displays tips to solve deployment errors. |
Command | Title |
hardis:misc:toml2csv | TOML to CSV |
Command | Title |
hardiscreate | Create a new package |
hardisinstall | Install packages in an org |
hardismergexml | Merge package.xml files |
hardisversion:create | Create a new version of a package |
hardisversion:list | Create a new version of a package |
hardisversion:promote | Promote new versions of package(s) |
Command | Title |
hardis:project:audit:apiversion | Audit Metadatas API Version |
hardis:project:audit:callincallout | Audit CallIns and CallOuts |
hardis:project:audit:duplicatefiles | Find duplicate sfdx files |
hardis:project:audit:remotesites | Audit Remote Sites |
hardis:project:clean:emptyitems | Clean retrieved empty items in dx sources |
hardis:project:clean:flowpositions | Clean Flow Positions |
hardis:project:clean:hiddenitems | Clean retrieved hidden items in dx sources |
hardis:project:clean:listviews | Replace Mine by Everything in ListViews |
hardis:project:clean:manageditems | Clean retrieved managed items in dx sources |
hardis:project:clean:minimizeprofiles | Clean profiles of Permission Set attributes |
hardis:project:clean:orgmissingitems | Clean SFDX items using target org definition |
hardis:project:clean:references | Clean references in dx sources |
hardis:project:clean:retrievefolders | Retrieve dashboards, documents and report folders in DX sources |
hardis:project:clean:standarditems | Clean retrieved standard items in dx sources |
hardis:project:clean:systemdebug | Clean System debug |
hardis:project:clean:xml | Clean retrieved empty items in dx sources |
hardis:project:configure:auth | Configure authentication |
hardis:project:convert:profilestopermsets | Convert Profiles into Permission Sets |
hardis:project:create | Login |
hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx | Deploy sfdx sources to org |
hardis:project:deploy:sources:metadata | Deploy metadata sources to org |
hardis:project:fix:profiletabs | Fix profiles to add tabs that are not retrieved by SF CLI |
hardis:project:fix:v53flexipages | Fix flexipages for v53 |
hardis:project:generate:gitdelta | Generate Git Delta |
hardis:project:lint | Lint |
hardis:project:metadata:findduplicates | XML duplicate values finder |
Command | Title |
hardis:scratch:create | Create and initialize scratch org |
hardis:scratch:delete | Delete scratch orgs(s) |
hardis:scratch:pool:create | Create and configure scratch org pool |
hardis:scratch:pool:localauth | Authenticate locally to scratch org pool |
hardis:scratch:pool:refresh | Refresh scratch org pool |
hardis:scratch:pool:reset | Reset scratch org pool |
hardis:scratch:pool:view | View scratch org pool info |
hardis:scratch:pull | Scratch PULL |
hardis:scratch:push | Scratch PUSH |
Command | Title |
hardis:source:deploy | sfdx-hardis wrapper for sfdx force:source:deploy that displays tips to solve deployment errors. |
hardis:source:push | sfdx-hardis wrapper for sfdx force:source:push that displays tips to solve deployment errors. |
hardis:source:retrieve | sfdx-hardis wrapper for sfdx force:source:retrieve |
Command | Title |
hardis:work:new | New work task |
hardis:work:refresh | Refresh work task |
hardis:work:resetselection | Select again |
hardis:work:save | Save work task |
hardis:work:ws | WebSocket operations |