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Publish your work

Commit your updates

The following video shows how to perform theses operations

Retrieve metadatas

If you made updates on your org that you have not pulled yet, Use command Pull from org button to pull your latest updates in local files

If you updated config elements that you do not see in your local files, you may discuss with your release manager to automate force retrieve metadatas

Alternative: Use Org Browser

You can also use Salesforce extension Org Browser to manually browse and retrieve specific metadatas

Alternative: Use contextual menu

If Org Browser does not see items that you want to retrieve, like list views, you can right click on any listViews folder and use command SFDX: Retrieve source from org

Alternative: Use menu "Select and retrieve"

If it is not possible to use pull configuration, you may retrieve metadatas using Select and retrieve button (but it will retrieve locally many files and it will be harder to select the ones you really need, select carefully the items that you stage and commit)

Stage and commit

In VsCode Git extension, stage and commit created, updated and deleted files that you want to publish

  • By selecting the metadata files you can see the differences with the previous versions, to know if you want to publish or not an updated file
  • Never use Stage all function
  • If you see standard items like standard fields that do not contain customizations, do not commit them
  • Important: If you think that your sandbox may not be up to date according to elements published by your colleagues, look closely at the diff on those items, and stage only the updates that you want to publish

Prepare merge request

  • Once your commit is completed, run command Save / publish my current task button to prepare your merge request.
  • As you committed your files like explained in the previous section, select option Message my commit is ready when prompted.
  • Wait for the script to complete, and select Push commit to server when prompted

Under the hood Under the hood

The script performs the following operations:

  • Update manifest/package.xml automatically according to the committed updates
  • Clean XML of metadatas according to .sfdx-hardis.yml config property autoCleanTypes and autoRemoveUserPermissions
  • New git commit with automated updates
  • Git push commit to git server

More details in hardis:work:save command documentation

Create merge request

It is now time to create your merge request to technically publish your updates at the upper level !

Depending on the CI platform you use, follow the related guide.

If you are publishing to a RUN branch (ex: preprod), AND the project also has a BUILD branch (ex: integration), you need to notify the release manager He/she will have to retrofit your updates once published

If you are working with a ticketing system like JIRA, make sure to add the full url of the tickets in the MR/PR description, so it will help for the release management. For example, use , not CLOUDITY-4

Using Gitlab

See Create a merge request using Gitlab

Using Azure

See Create a merge request using Azure

Using GitHub

See Create a merge request using Github

Check merge request results

After you create your merge request, check its control jobs results !