CI/CD Home
There are many ways to do DevOps with Salesforce, each of them have their advantages and inconveniences, like showed in the following comparison table.
You can setup and use a full CI/CD pipeline for your Salesforce projects using sfdx-hardis, with advanced features:
- Overwrite Management
- Delta Deployments
- Automated sources cleaning
- Messaging platforms integrations (Slack, Microsoft Teams)
We provide ready to use CI/CD pipelines for the following Git platforms:
Pipelines can easily be adapted to other platforms like Jenkins or TeamCity
If you speak fluently git, sfdx & DevOps, you can be fully autonomous to setup and use Salesforce CI/CD, otherwise you can contact us at Cloudity (or your favorite Salesforce integrator) and we'll be glad to assist you :)
As everything is open-source, there is no license costs !
See presentation of sfdx-hardis at Dreamforce !
See Slides of Dreamforce 23 session
Here is an advanced example of a Salesforce CI/CD Pipeline that you can easily define using sfdx-hardis. You can define much simpler branch/orgs models, to manage only RUN operations.
See detailed article on
See quick demo video for a Contributor
Use sfdx-hardis CI/CD
Please read Contributor Guide to know how to work on CI/CD projects, as an Business consultant, a Developer or a Release Manager
Release Management
Please read Release Manager Guide to know how to be a release manager on Salesforce CI/CD project.
Setup sfdx-hardis CI/CD
Please read Setup Guide to know how to initialize and maintain a Salesforce CI/CD project.