Export Audit trail into a CSV file with selected criteria, and highlight suspect actions
Regular setup actions performed in major orgs are filtered.
- ""
- createScratchOrg
- changedsenderemail
- deleteScratchOrg
- loginasgrantedtopartnerbt
- Certificate and Key Management
- insertCertificate
- Custom App Licenses
- addeduserpackagelicense
- granteduserpackagelicense
- Currency
- updateddatedexchrate
- Data Management
- queueMembership
- Email Administration
- dkimRotationPreparationSuccessful
- dkimRotationSuccessful
- Groups
- groupMembership
- Holidays
- holiday_insert
- Inbox mobile and legacy desktop apps
- enableSIQUserNonEAC
- Manage Users
- activateduser
- createduser
- changedcommunitynickname
- changedemail
- changedfederationid
- changedpassword
- changedinteractionuseroffon
- changedinteractionuseronoff
- changedmarketinguseroffon
- changedmarketinguseronoff
- changedprofileforuser
- changedprofileforusercusttostd
- changedprofileforuserstdtocust
- changedroleforusertonone
- changedroleforuser
- changedroleforuserfromnone
- changedUserEmailVerifiedStatusUnverified
- changedUserEmailVerifiedStatusVerified
- changedUserPhoneNumber
- changedUserPhoneVerifiedStatusUnverified
- deactivateduser
- deleteAuthenticatorPairing
- deleteTwoFactorInfo2
- deleteTwoFactorTempCode
- frozeuser
- insertAuthenticatorPairing
- insertTwoFactorInfo2
- insertTwoFactorTempCode
- lightningloginenroll
- PermSetAssign
- PermSetGroupAssign
- PermSetGroupUnassign
- PermSetLicenseAssign
- PermSetUnassign
- PermSetLicenseUnassign
- registeredUserPhoneNumber
- resetpassword
- suOrgAdminLogin
- suOrgAdminLogout
- unfrozeuser
- useremailchangesent
- Mobile Administration
- assigneduserstomobileconfig
- Reporting Snapshots
- createdReportJob
- deletedReportJob
- Sandboxes
- DeleteSandbox
By default, deployment user defined in .sfdx-hardis.yml targetUsername property will be excluded.
You can define additional users to exclude in .sfdx-hardis.yml monitoringExcludeUsernames property.
You can also add more sections / actions considered as not suspect using property monitoringAllowedSectionsActions
- deploymentuser@cloudity.com
- marketingcloud@cloudity.com
- integration-user@cloudity.com
"Some section": [] // Will ignore all actions from such section
"Some other section": ["actionType1","actionType2","actionType3"] // Will ignore only those 3 actions from section "Some other section". Other actions in the same section will be considered as suspect.
This command is part of sfdx-hardis Monitoring and can output Grafana, Slack and MsTeams Notifications.
Name | Type | Description | Default | Required | Options |
apiversion | option | override the api version used for api requests made by this command | |||
debug -d |
boolean | Activate debug mode (more logs) | |||
excludeusers -e |
option | Comma-separated list of usernames to exclude | |||
json | boolean | format output as json | |||
lastndays -t |
option | Number of days to extract from today (included) | |||
loglevel | option | logging level for this command invocation | warn | trace debug info warn error fatal |
outputfile -o |
option | Force the path and name of output report file. Must end with .csv | |||
skipauth | boolean | Skip authentication check when a default username is required | |||
targetusername -u |
option | username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org | |||
websocket | option | Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration |
$ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail
$ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail --excludeusers baptiste@titi.com
$ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail --excludeusers baptiste@titi.com,bertrand@titi.com
$ sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail --lastndays 5