Init SFDX Project

  • Create a new git branch named cicd under your lower major branch (usually integration)
  • Run command Configuration -> Create new sfdx project (sfdx hardis:project:create) and select options to create a new sfdx-hardis project.
  • Open file manifest/package.xml and replace the content by the following code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Package xmlns="">
    <version>59.0</version> <!-- use current latest Salesforce api version -->
  • IF you are using Gitlab CI and sandboxes only (not scratch orgs), open gitlab-ci-config.yml at the root of the repository, and set variable USE_SCRATCH_ORGS to "false"
  • Depending your git provider, keep the related workflow files and delete the others
    • Gitlab
      • gitlab-ci.yml
      • gitlab-ci-config.yml
    • Azure
      • azure-pipelines-checks.yml
      • azure-pipelines-deployment.yml
    • GitHub:
      • Folder .github/workflows
    • Bitbucket
      • bitbucket-pipelines.yml

Some workflow files contain additional configuration instructions, please read the comments at the beginning of the files !

You can now go to step Setup CI Authentication