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CI/CD Config Home

New task options

Look at all the Overwrite properties of new task command to define the appropriate values of your project.


A Salesforce CI/CD repository contains a file manifest/package.xml.

  • It contains all metadatas that will be deployed by the CI server.

Overwrite Management

Delta deployments

  • You can also use delta deployments if your project is big and you have performances issues.

Source retrieve issues

Handle cases when force:source:pull does not retrieve every updated source.

See how to force the retrieve of named sources


A Salesforce CI/CD repository contains a file manifest/destructiveChanges.xml.

  • It contains all metadatas that will be deleted by the CI server.

Automated sources cleaning

You can configure automated cleaning of sources before creating merge requests, using command hardis:work:save

Those cleanings can be:

All configuration properties

.sfdx-hardis.yml allows to make your project highly configuration. Have a look at its list of configuration properties !