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Setup AI for sfdx-hardis

Security considerations

sfdx-hardis uses prompt via API to collect analysis: only Metadata XML or JSON deployment errors are sent in the prompts.

If you follow Flows best practices and do not hardcode credentials / tokens in variables, there is no serious risk to send metadata XML to an external LLM (but be aware that you do !)

You can see the prompts content if you set env variable DEBUG_PROMPTS=true.

The list of prompts used by sfdx-hardis is defined in this source file.

Main configuration

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Common variables

Variable Description Default
AI_MAXIMUM_CALL_NUMBER Maximum allowed number of calls to OpenAi API during a single sfdx-hardis command 10000
PROMPTS_LANGUAGE Language to use for prompts results (en,fr, or any ISO Language code) en
DEBUG_PROMPTS Set to true if you want prompts requests and responses in logs false
MAX_DEPLOYMENT_TIPS_AI_CALLS Maximum number of errors that will be analyzed by AI for a single Pull Request 20
DISABLE_AI In case you want to disable API calls to API without removing your configuration, set to true false
IGNORE_AI_CACHE Some processes like Flow description use AI cache files to save calls to prompts API, disable by setting to true false

With Agentforce

  • Agentforce must be activated on the default org used when you call the sfdx-hardis command

You can do that with Salesforce Freemium feature Salesforce Foundations, that offers 200000 Einstein Prompts

Salesforce Foundations free tier

  • A prompt template SfdxHardisGenericPrompt (type Flex) must exist in the default org, with input variable PromptText (type FreeText)
  • The connected used must be assigned to permission set Prompt Template User
Variable Description Default
USE_AGENTFORCE Set to true to activate the use of Agentforce prompts false
GENERIC_AGENTFORCE_PROMPT_TEMPLATE Set this variable to override default prompt template SfdxHardisGenericPrompt
GENERIC_AGENTFORCE_PROMPT_URL Set this variable to override default prompt url /services/data/v{{API_VERSION}}/einstein/prompt-templates/{{GENERIC_AGENTFORCE_PROMPT_TEMPLATE}}/generations

With OpenAI

You need to define env variable OPENAI_API_KEY and make it available to your CI/CD workflow.

To get an OpenAi API key , register on OpenAi Platform.

Variable Description Default
OPENAI_API_KEY Your openai account API key
OPENAI_MODEL OpenAi model used to perform prompts (see models list) gpt-4o-mini


You can override default prompts by defining the following environment variables.

Prompt Template Description Variables
PROMPT_SOLVE_DEPLOYMENT_ERROR Ask AI about how to solve a deployment error ERROR
PROMPT_DESCRIBE_FLOW Describe a flow from its XML FLOW_XML
PROMPT_DESCRIBE_FLOW_DIFF Describe the differences between 2 flow versions by comparing their XML FLOW_XML_NEW, FLOW_XML_PREVIOUS
PROMPT_DESCRIBE_OBJECT Describe Object using sfdx-hardis generated info based on project metadatas OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_XML, ALL_OBJECTS_LIST, ALL_OBJECT_LINKS
PROMPT_COMPLETE_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES_MD Complete fields and validation rules descriptions in input markdown tables generated by sfdx-hardis OBJECT_NAME, MARKDOWN
PROMPT_DESCRIBE_APEX Describe an Apex class from its code CLASS_NAME, APEX_CODE