[beta] (master)
Note: Can be used with sfdx plugins:install sfdx-hardis@beta
and docker image hardisgroupcom/sfdx-hardis@beta
[5.24.1] 2025-03-24
- Upgrade @xmlnode/xmlnode and update related code so it works with newer version
- Upgrade NPM dependencies
- Update Contributor Guide documentation about package management
[5.24.0] 2025-03-21
- Flow documentation: Take in account new Transform Element
[5.23.0] 2025-03-19
- Lazy loading in hooks to improve performances when other CLI plugins commands are called
- hardis:org:file:export: Fix 100000 characters SOQL error limit
- Upgrade npm dependencies
[5.22.0] 2025-03-13
- hardis:org:file:export: Now handles to export of Attachments in addition to ContentVersions :)
- hardis:doc:flow2markdown: Call AI when generating the doc of a single flow
- hardis:project:deploy:smart Fix: delta after merge is not working as expected
[5.21.4] 2025-03-11
- Support edge-case when package.xml is empty but destructive changes are present. (see Github issue)
- Upgrade dependencies
[5.21.3] 2025-03-01
- hardis:org:data:export: Fix crash when a record has more than 1000 attached documents
[5.21.2] 2025-03-01
- hardis:org:diagnose:unused-connected-app: Fix crash when a Connected App doesn't have a CreatedBy
- hardis:doc:project2markdown: Avoid crash when a lookup field does not contain referenceTo
[5.21.1] 2025-02-27
- hardis:org:test:apex Take in account
option - hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail Fix monitoringAllowedSectionsActions
[5.21.0] 2025-02-27
- hardis:doc:project2markdown: Generate PDF files from markdown documentation, by @matheus-delazeri
[5.20.0] 2025-02-22
- hardis:work:new
- Document properties availableProjects and availableTargetBranches
- Allow to define newTaskNameRegex to enforce the naming of a new task
- Allow to remove question about upgrading the dev sandbox is
sharedDevSandboxes: true
is set
- Fix issue with monitoringAllowedSectionsActions not taking in account when a section is defined as
to ignore all of its member types. - Upgrade npm dependencies
[5.19.4] 2025-02-17
- Do not check for missing descriptions on Data Cloud & Managed package metadatas
- Doc: display where subflows are used in a new Dependencies paragraph
- mkdocs-to-cf: No need to authenticate to SF org
[5.19.3] 2025-02-15
- Doc: Add Cloudflare setup instructions
- Doc: Reorganize Project documentation menus
- Update default workflows to handle Cloudflare variables
[5.19.2] 2025-02-14
- hardis:project:generate:bypass: Added necessary flags to be run from vscode sfdx-hardis extension + added skip-credits
- Bypass generator: Create metadatas folders if not existing yet
- Change default CF policy
- Update doc to request activation of ExperienceBundle Metadata API
[5.19.1] 2025-02-09
- Quickfix cf upload
[5.19.0] 2025-02-09
- hardis:doc:project2markdown: Add object model diagram in documentation
- New command hardis:project:generate:bypass : Generates bypass custom permissions and permission sets for specified sObjects and automations, by @Mehdi-Cloudity in
- Adjusting the Grafana Configuration Variables in the Megalinter part of org-monitoring.yml, by @AhmedElAmory in
[5.18.1] 2025-02-04
- Fix typo in docUtils
- Stealth enhancements
[5.18.0] 2025-02-03
- New command hardis:doc:fieldusage : generate a report with custom field's usage from metadata dependencies.
[5.17.4] 2025-01-31
- hardis:doc:project2markdown: Fixes pages menu
- Stealth feature
[5.17.3] 2025-01-29
- hardis:doc:project2markdown: Improve Apex docs markdown
- Upgrade apexdocs version
- Fix auth message when selecting default org
[5.17.2] 2025-01-29
- hardis:org:configure:files: Add examples when configuring file export format
- hardis:doc:project2markdown: Avoid the command to crash if apexdocs generation fails
[5.17.1] 2025-01-27
- hardis:doc:project2markdown: Add type of Lightning Pages in tables
- hardis:org:monitor:backup: Fix issue when there is an empty metadata type
[5.17.0] 2025-01-26
- hardis:doc:project2markdown enhancements:
- Generate Apex classes documentation using
, and describe them using AI if available - Generate Lightning Pages documentation and describe them using AI if available
- Display error message in case of XML parsing error
- Do not raise issues when managed items fields don't have descriptions
- Do not raise inactive validation rule issue when the VR is from a managed package
- Fix New JSON coverage formatter is selecting wrong JSON from sf project deploy command
- Generate Apex classes documentation using
[5.16.4] 2025-01-22
- Doc: Exclude not relevant md from search
- Upgrade npm dependencies
- Add more logs to login command
[5.16.3] 2025-01-22
- Do not post comments with Flows if there is no real differences
- Truncate the number of flows git diff displayed in Pull Request comments to 30 (override the number using MAX_FLOW_DIFF_TO_SHOW )
- Keep history link in main flow doc if available and history not recalculated
- Remove Flows History mkdocs menu if present from an old sfdx-hardis doc generation
- QuickFix AI Generated Summary text in PRs
[5.16.2] 2025-01-21
- Strip XML to save prompts tokens
- Fix issue when parsing CustomObject metadata
- Install latest version of plugin @salesforce/plugin-deploy-retrieve in Dockerfile to avoid the bug of its current version
- Fix: Do not recalculate Flow History doc if flow has not been updated
- Skip Data Cloud objects from documentation (enforce using variable INCLUDE_DATA_CLOUD_DOC=true)
[5.16.1] 2025-01-19
- AI Cache results enhancements
- Normalize strings before creating fingerprint to handle multiple platforms
- Delete unused cache files
- Fix variables mismatch when calling
[5.16.0] 2025-01-19
- New AI Provider: Agentforce
- Create Objects AI-powered documentation
- Summary
- Relationships with other objects
- Fields
- Validation rules
- Related flows
- Handle prompts multilingualism (ex:
) - Handle prompts cache to save tokens
- Add
in default CI/CD pipelines (must be set to true during CI/CD setup) - Enhance branches & orgs CI/CD strategy mermaid diagram
- Improve performances by using
for all calls to glob
[5.15.5] 2025-01-16
- Flow Visual Diff enhancements
- Display full node fields table when it contains updated elements
- Fix removed long links
- Handle cases where Flow has been added or deleted
- Update hardis:project:deploy:notify documentation
[5.15.4] 2025-01-15
- Allow to disable calls to AI prompts API using DISABLE_AI=true
- Implement AI cache to save calls to AI prompts API (can be disabled using IGNORE_AI_CACHE)
[5.15.3] 2025-01-14
- hardis:project:generate:flow-git-diff New parameters --commit-before and --commit-after
- hardis:doc:project2markdown: Filter flows from managed packages
- Display number of AI prompts API calls at the end of a command
[5.15.2] 2025-01-13
- Add AI security considerations in documentation
- Do not prompt for AI API TOKEN
- Do not crash in case of AI call failure
[5.15.1] 2025-01-12
- Improve prompt templates
[5.15.0] 2025-01-12
- Allow to call AI to describe flows in documentation
- Allow to call AI to describe differences between 2 flow versions in a pull request comment
- Ai Provider enhancements
- Change default model from gpt-4o to gpt-4o-mini
- Prompt templates factory, with capability to override default prompt with ENV variable
- Translate prompts in french
- Add dotenv to allow to define secrets variables in a local
file (never commit it !) - Add more ways to call python depending on the installation
[5.14.3] 2025-01-10
- hardis:project:deploy:smart Fix crash when deployment is ok
[5.14.2] 2025-01-10
- hardis:project:deploy:smart Fix parsing error in case it is UNKNOWN_ERROR
- Fix error
str.replace is not a function
[5.14.1] 2025-01-09
- Generate a file hardis-report/apex-coverage-results.json with Apex code coverage details for the following commands:
- hardis:project:deploy:smart (only if
environment variable is defined) - hardis:org:test:apex (always)
- SF Cli deployment wrapper commands
- hardis:project:deploy:smart (only if
- Do not display command output if execCommand has been called with
output: false
[5.14.0] 2025-01-09
- Add ability to replace ApiVersion on specific Metadata Types file using
sf hardis:project:audit:apiversion
- Add parameters
onsf hardis:project:audit:apiversion
- Fix build of formula markdown when generating a Flow Visual Documentation
[5.13.3] 2025-01-08
- Update default JIRA Regex to catch tickets when there is an number in the project name
[5.13.2] 2025-01-07
- hardis:project:deploy:smart: Fix parsing when deployment failure is related to Apex code coverage
- Flow doc fix: add description for constants, variables, text template & formulas
- Flow parsing: Fix error when there is only one formula
[5.13.1] 2025-01-07
- hardis:doc:project2markdown Display a screen emoji in documentation flows table when they are not tied to an Object
- hardis:project:deploy:smart: Shorten log lines when there is a too big JSON, by removing info not relevant for display, like unchanged files or test classes results.
[5.13.0] 2025-01-05
- hardis:doc:project2markdown Add branch & orgs strategy MermaidJS diagram in documentation
[5.12.0] 2025-01-04
- New command hardis:doc:mkdocs-to-salesforce to generate static HTML doc and host it in a Static Resource and a VisualForce page
- Remove hyperlinks from MermaidJs on Pull Request comments, to improve display on GitHub & Gitlab
- Upgrade base image to python:3.12.8-alpine3.20, so mkdocs can be installed and run if necessary
- Add links in package.xml Markdown documentation
[5.11.0] 2025-01-03
- Visual flow management, using MermaidJs
- hardis:doc:project2markdown: Add a markdown file for each Flow
- If unable to run mermaid-cli, store markdown with mermaidJs diagram content anyway (can happen from Monitoring Backup Command)
- When called from Monitoring (hardis:org:monitor:backup), generate Flow documentation only if it has been updated
- hardis:doc:flow2markdown: Generate the markdown documentation of a single flow (available from VsCode extension)
- hardis:project:generate:flow-git-diff: Generate the visual git diff for a single flow (available from VsCode extension)
- hardis:project:deploy:smart: Add visual git diff for flows updated by a Pull Request
- Flow Visual Git diff also added to standard SF Cli commands wrappers
- hardis:doc:project2markdown: Add a markdown file for each Flow
- New command hardis:project:deploy:notify to send Pull Request comments (with Flow Visual Git Diff) and Slack / Teams notifications even if you are not using a sfdx-hardis command to check or process a deployment.
- Command updates
- hardis:project:deploy:smart: Refactor deployment errors parsing: use JSON output instead of text output
- hardis:org:test:apex: Display the number of failed tests in messages and notifications
- hardis:org:monitor:backup:
- New option --exclude-namespaces that can be used with --full option
- New option --full-apply-filters that can be used with --full option to apply filters anyway
- Core enhancements & fixes
- Obfuscate some data from text log files
- Kill some exit handlers in case they are making the app crash after a throw SfError
- Trigger notifications during the command execution, not after
- Do not display warning in case no notification has been configured in case we are running locally
- Fix Individual deployment tips markdown docs by adding quotes to YML properties
- Fix init sfdx-hardis project commands and docs
- Display warning message in case package.xml has wrong format
- Allow to override package-no-overwrite from a branch .sfdx-hardis.yml config file
- Using target_branch for Jira labels when isDeployBeforeMerge flag is true
- Doc
- Update Microsoft Teams notifications integration User Guide
- Add troubleshooting section in Email integration User Guide
[5.10.1] 2024-12-12
- Fix sfdx-hardis docker image build by adding coreutils in dependencies
[5.10.0] 2024-12-12
- Update Docker base image to alpine to 3.21
[5.9.3] 2024-12-12
- hardis:org:data:import: Allow to run the command in production using, by either:
- Define sfdmuCanModify in your .sfdx-hardis.yml config file. (Example:
) - Define an environment variable SFDMU_CAN_MODIFY. (Example:
- Define sfdmuCanModify in your .sfdx-hardis.yml config file. (Example:
[5.9.2] 2024-12-10
- Fallback message in case sfdx-hardis is not able to parse newest SF CLI errors format.
[5.9.1] 2024-12-09
- Fix issue that generates valid Pull Request comment whereas there is 1 error
- Add TS test case
- Upgrade NPM dependencies
[5.9.0] 2024-12-02
- hardis:org:monitor:backup: New mode --full, much slower than default filtered one, but that can retrieve ALL metadatas of an org
[5.8.1] 2024-11-26
- Fix hardis:org:diagnose:unused-apex-classes: Use .cls file, not cls-meta.xml file to get creation date from git
[5.8.0] 2024-11-25
- New monitoring command hardis:org:diagnose:unused-connected-apps to detect Connected Apps that are not used anymore and might be disabled or deleted.
[5.7.2] 2024-11-25
- Fix issue with auth just before running a command (ask to run again the same command meanwhile we find a way to avoid that using SF CLI architecture)
[5.7.1] 2024-11-22
- In case a prompt is requested during CI and makes a command fail, display the content of the prompt
[5.7.0] 2024-11-22
- New command hardis:git:pull-requests:extract: Extract Pull Requests from Git Server into CSV/XLS (Azure only for now)
- Fix bug when scratch org username is > 80 chars
- Make markdown-links-check not blocking by default in MegaLinter base config
- Make yamllint not blocking by default in MegaLinter base config
[5.6.3] 2024-11-17
- MegaLinter config: disable APPLY_FIXES by default
- Upgrade npm dependencies
[5.6.2] 2024-11-12
- hardis:org:diagnose:unused-apex-classes
- Display class created by and created name MIN(date from org,date from git)
- Replace errors by warnings, and add a message so users double-check before removing a class
- Reorder console log
- Remove unused code from MetadataUtils class
[5.6.1] 2024-11-11
- Fix hardis:org:user:activateinvalid interactive mode
- Update Dockerfile email address
- Upgrade default Grafana Dashboards to add Unused Apex Classes indicator
- Update hardis:org:diagnose:unused-apex-classes and hardis:doc:packagexml2markdown documentation
[5.6.0] 2024-11-09
- New command hardis:org:diagnose:unused-apex-classes, to detect Apex classes (Batch,Queueable,Schedulable) that has not been called for more than 365 days, that might be deleted to improve apex tests performances
- hardis:doc:project2markdown: Update documentation
- Polish CI/CD home doc
- Refactor the build of hardis:org:monitor:all documentation
- Fix issue with ToolingApi calls: handle paginated results instead of only the first 200 records.
[5.5.0] 2024-11-03
- hardis:doc:packagexml2markdown: Generate markdown documentation from a package.xml file
- hardis:doc:project2markdown: Generate markdown documentation from any SFDX project (CI/CD, monitoring, projects not using sfdx-hardis...) in
folder and add a link in if existing. - hardis:org:monitor:backup: Call hardis:doc:project2markdown after backup
- hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig: Ignore standard Salesforce packages
- Update CI/CD home documentation
[5.4.1] 2024-11-02
- hardis:org:multi-org-query enhancements
- Improve documentation
- Allow to use --query-template as option to use one of the predefined templates via command line
- Handle errors if issues when the command is called via a CI/CD job
- Upgrade dependencies
[5.4.0] 2024-11-02
- New command hardis:org:multi-org-query allowing to execute a SOQL Bulk Query in multiple orgs and aggregate the results in a single CSV / XLS report
- New command hardis:org:community:update to Activate / Deactivate communities from command line
[5.3.0] 2024-10-24
- Update default Monitoring workflow for GitHub
- Refactor file download code
- Display progress
- Better error handling
- hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi: Fix issue with big log files: Use stream to parse CSV and perform checks
- Update default API version toto 62.0 (Winter 25 release)
[5.2.4] 2024-10-21
- Fix hardis:org:fix:listviewmine: Use chrome-launcher to find chrome executable to use with puppeteer-core
- Remove keyv dependency
[5.2.3] 2024-10-19
- Change default
config - Display number of package.xml items before or after retrieving them
- Doc: Update youtube preview images
[5.2.2] 2024-10-14
- Fix doubling -d option in hardis:scratch:create
[5.2.1] 2024-10-14
- 2 hardis commands: rename
into something else when the short option was available twice on the same command
[5.2.0] 2024-10-14
- Improve BUILD & RUN documentation
- 21 hardis commands: rename
short into-f
when possible, or other short letter, to avoid collision with-o
) option - Fix GitHub Org Monitoring workflow (remove push event + fix command typo)
[5.1.0] 2024-10-11
- hardis:project:deploy:smart: Fix to adapt stdout checks to output of
sf project deploy start
in case code coverage is ignored - hardis:org:monitor:backup: Allow spaces in folders
- Remove pubsub from default .forceignore
- Change default deployment waiting time from 60mn to 120mn
- Display explicit warning message before ConnectedApp deployment so users don't forget to manually create the connected app with the certificate
[5.0.10] 2024-10-03
- hardis:project:deploy:smart : Fix parsing of error strings
- hardis:project:deploy:smart : Fix markdown display on PR summary
[5.0.9] 2024-10-03
- Fix link to tip doc from Pull Request / Merge Request comments
- Fixing small issues with creating scratch org and scratch org pool
[5.0.8] 2024-10-01
- Monitoring config: Fix way to define how to upload connected app
- New deployment tip: Couldn't retrieve or load information on the field
- Fix parsing of errors when they are unknown
- Fix SEO info in deployment tips documentation
[5.0.7] 2024-09-25
- hardis:org:monitoring:backup : fix issue when metadata type is unknown
[5.0.6] 2024-09-25
- Allow to purge flows & flow interviews using
option - Fix duplicate
short option by replacingdelete-flow-interviews
short by-w
[5.0.5] 2024-09-24
- When git add / stash failure, display a message explaining to run
git config --system core.longpaths true
to solve the issue. - Improve test classes errors collection during deployment check
- Display the number of elements deployed within a package.xml
[5.0.4] 2024-09-24
- Fix errors collection during deployment check
- Display in deployment check summary when useSmartDeploymentTests has been activated
- Do not send coverage formatters options when test level is NoTestRun
[5.0.3] 2024-09-23
- Add --ignore-conflicts to smartDeploy
[5.0.2] 2024-09-23
- Always use
project deploy start --dry-run
for deployment validation, until commandproject deploy validate
works with --ignore-warnings & NoTestRun
[5.0.0] 2024-09-23
Refactoring explanations
The future deprecation of sfdx force:source:** commands on 6 november finally convinced us to switch everything from SFDX core to SF CLI core. (otherwise existing CI/CD pipelines would not work anymore from this date !)
Therefore, sfdx-hardis required a complete refactoring as described below, but this won't impact existing CI/CD and Monitoring pipelines.
We made many tests but risk zero do not exist, so if you see any bug, please report them ASAP and we'll solve them quickly :)
Major changes
Migrate plugin from SFDX plugin core to SF Cli Plugin core
- Convert commands code from SfdxCommand base to SfCommand base
- Migrate internal Bulk Api calls from Bulk API v1 to Bulk API v2
- Upgrade all npm dependencies to their latest version (more secured)
Change background calls to legacy sfdx commands to call their SF Cli replacements
sfdx force:mdapi:convert
->sf project convert mdapi
sfdx force:mdapi:deploy
->sf project deploy start --metadata-dir
sfdx force:source:retrieve
->sf project retrieve start
sfdx force:source:deploy
->sf project deploy start
sfdx force:source:pull
->sf project retrieve start
sfdx force:source:push
->sf project deploy start
sfdx force:source:tracking:clear
->sf project delete tracking
sfdx force:source:manifest:create
->sf project generate manifest
sfdx sgd:source:delta
->sf sgd:source:delta
sfdx force:org:create
->sf org create sandbox
|sf org create scratch
sfdx force:org:list
->sf org list
sfdx force:org:delete
->sf org delete scratch
sfdx config:get
->sf config get
sfdx config:set
->sf config set
sfdx auth:web:login
->sf org login web
sfdx auth:jwt:grant
->sf org login jwt
sfdx auth:sfdxurl:store
->sf org login sfdx-url
sfdx org:login:device
->sf org login device
sfdx force:data:record:get
->sf data get record
sfdx force:data:record:update
->sf data update record
sfdx force:data:soql:query
->sf data query
sfdx force:data:bulk:delete
->sf data delete bulk
sfdx alias:list
->sf alias list
sfdx alias:set
->sf alias set
sfdx force:apex:test:run
->sf apex run test
sfdx force:apex:execute
->sf apex run
sfdx force:package:create
->sf package create
sfdx force:package:version:create
->sf package version create
sfdx force:package:version:delete
->sf package version delete
sfdx force:package:version:list
->sf package version list
sfdx force:package:version:promote
->sf package version promote
sfdx force:package:installed:list
->sf package installed
sfdx force:package:install
->sf package install
sfdx force:user:password:generate
->sf org generate password
sfdx force:user:permset:assign
->sf org assign permset
sfdx hardis:_
->sf hardis:_
- New wrappers commands for SF Cli deployment commands
sf hardis project deploy validate
-> Wrapssf project deploy validate
sf hardis project deploy quick
-> Wrapssf project deploy quick
sf hardis project deploy start
-> Wrapssf project deploy start
New Features / Enhancements
- hardis:project:deploy:smart
- New feature useSmartDeploymentTests: Improve performances by not running test classes when delta deployment contain only non impacting metadatas, and target org is not production
- Rename command hardis:project:deploy:source:dx into hardis:project:deploy:smart (previous command alias remains, no need to update your pipelines !)
- commandsPreDeploy and commandsPostDeploy
- New option context for a command, defining when it is run and when it is not: all (default), check-deployment-only or process-deployment-only
- New option runOnlyOnceByOrg: If set to
, the command will be run only one time per org. A record of SfdxHardisTrace__c is stored to make that possible (it needs to be existing in target org)
- New commands
- hardis:project:deploy:simulate to validate the deployment of a single metadata (used by VsCode extension)
- hardis:org:diagnose:releaseupdates to check for org Release Updates from Monitoring or locally
- hardis:misc:purge-references to partially automate the cleaning of related dependencies when you need to delete a field, or change its type (for example from master detail to lookup)
- hardis:project:clean:sensitive-metadatas to mask sensitive metadatas from git repo (ex: Certificate content)
- hardis:work:save and hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx: Improve runtime performances thanks to internalization of sfdx-essentials commands
- hardis:work:new
- Allow to add labels in property
, using a comma. For examples,- integration,Choose this branch if you are on the BUILD side of the project !
- Add current default org in the choices when prompting which org to use
- Allow to add labels in property
- hardis:project:new
- Initialize autoCleanTypes with destructivechanges, flowPositions and minimizeProfiles
- Initialize package-no-overwrite.xml with Certificate metadata. (certificates must be uploaded manually)
- hardis:org:files:export: Improve display with spinner
- hardis:org:purge:flow: If FlowInterview records are preventing Flow Versions to be deleted, prompt user to delete Flow Interviews before trying again to delete Flow Versions
- hardis:project:generate:gitdelta: Add option to generate package.xml related to a single commit
- hardis:org:data:delete: Check for property "runnableInProduction" in export.json before running deletion in production org.
- hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail: Add new filtered actions
- Customer Portal: createdcustomersuccessuser
- Authentication: do not use alias MY_ORG anymore + do not update local user config if no values to replace.
- When selecting an org, make sure it is still connected. If not, open browser so the user can authenticate again.
- Update sfdx-hardis Grafana Dashboards to import in your Grafana Cloud
- SF Instance name
- Next platform upgrade
- Release Updates to check
- Installed packages
- Org licenses
- AI Deployment assistant
- Add error
Change Matching Rule
- Add error
- Git Providers
- On Pull Requests / Merge Requests comments, add hyperlinks to errors documentation URL
- Avoid error when removing obsolete flows (workaround using SF CLI if tooling api connection fails). Fixes #662
- Improve Slack/Teams notifications display
- Display explicit error message in case a password is required to install a managed package.
- Reorganize README content
- Add link to Dreamforce 24 session
- Deployment assistant: Improve documentation by adding examples of errors, and a standalone page for each tip
- Factorize the definition of DOC_ROOT_URL
Deprecate wrapper commands matching sfdx commands that will be removed. All replaced by sf hardis deploy start
sfdx hardis:source:push
sfdx hardis:source:deploy
sfdx hardis:mdapi:retrieve
sfdx hardis:mdapi:deploy
- Deprecate
as nobody uses metadata format anymore
- Replace puppeteer by puppeteer-core: it means that if you use a command requiring puppeteer, please make sure to have a Chrome available in your environment (already integrated within the Docker image)
Get rid of sfdx-essentials plugin dependency by internalizing its used commands
sf hardis:packagexml:append
sf hardis:packagexml:remove
sf hardis:project:clean:filter-xml-content
Remove npm dependencies (some of them not maintained anymore)
- @adobe/node-fetch-retry
- @amplitude/node
- @keyv/redis
- @oclif/command
- @oclif/config
- @oclif/errors
- @salesforce/command
- @salesforce/ts-types
- find-package-json
- node-fetch
- Remove not used keyValueStores to keep only Salesforce one
[4.53.0] 2024-08-20
- Upgrade workflows to Node 20 (fixes
- Simplify login prompts messages (fixes
- Upgrade to MegaLinter v8 (own workflows + template workflows)
- Update monitoring commands documentation
- Upgrade npm dependencies
- axios
- inquirer
- moment
- open
- ora
- @supercharge/promise-pool
- remove strip-ansi dependency to build local function
[4.52.0] 2024-08-02
- Minimum Node version is now 20
- hardis:work:save : Improve performances when cleaning project files
- Update Pipelines to add NOTIF_EMAIL_ADDRESS where it was missing
- Remove MS_TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL from all pipelines as MsTeamsProvider is deprecated (use EmailProvider instead)
- Remove some useless code in EmailProvider
- Replace glob-promise by glob package
[4.51.0] 2024-08-01
- Deprecate Microsoft Teams Web Hooks notifications
- Must be replaced by Email Notifications using the Ms Teams Channel email.
- Handle bug when a branch .sfdx-hardis.yml config file is empty
- Upgrade default API version to 61
- Additional log when generating manifest package.xml from org
- Add error tip: Network issue (ECONNABORTED, ECONNRESET)
[4.50.1] 2024-07-29
- Fix report file name of hardis:org:monitor:limits
- Fix crash when GitProvider has been wrongly configured, and display information message
[4.50.0] 2024-07-29
- Add message in case of deployment check passing thanks to
testCoverageNotBlocking: true
- hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi : Fix display error declared in bug #652
- Run legacy api detection daily with monitoring, as logs remain only 24h
[4.49.1] 2024-07-27
- Fix 4.49.0 (deployment error handler bug)
[4.49.0] 2024-07-27
- New command hardis:org:diagnose:instanceupgrade to get information about Org, its Salesforce instance and its next Platform Upgrade date. Sends notifications to Grafana if activated.
- Refactor Monitoring checks documentation
- hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx: After a failed Quick Deploy, use run with NoTestRun to improve perfs as we had previously succeeded to simulate the deployment
[4.48.1] 2024-07-26
- hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx: Fix issue with testCoverageNotBlocking
[4.48.0] 2024-07-26
- hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx: Allow new mode for running test during deployments: RunRepositoryTestsExceptSeeAllData (⚠️ Use with caution !)
[4.47.0] 2024-07-22
- Update emojis in prompts to make them more visible
- Replace
sfdx force:org:open
bysf org open
[4.46.0] 2024-07-18
- Allow hardis:project:deploy:source:dx notifications to work if the deployment is performed before the Pull Request is merged (see Exotic Use Case)
- Activate such mode with variable SFDX_HARDIS_DEPLOY_BEFORE_MERGE
- Add link to Conga Article
- Add Conga article in README list of articles
[4.45.0] 2024-07-14
- New command hardis:org:files:import to import files exported using hardis:org:files:export
- Template management for SFDMU & files import/export
- Update JSON schema to add
in autoCleanTypes
[4.44.3] 2024-07-12
- Set GITLAB_API_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=false to avoid SSH rejections from Gitlab API
[4.44.2] 2024-07-09
- New config skipCodeCoverage, to use only in branch scoped config to not check for code coverage (Use with caution because won't work when deploying to production !)
[4.44.1] 2024-07-08
- QuickFix testlevel default value
[4.44.0] 2024-07-08
- New JSON schema properties, to use ONLY on branch scoped config and with caution !
, to override the test level, withRunRepositoryTests
for exampleruntests
, to override the list of tests to run, with^(?!FLI|MyPrefix).*
for exampletestCoverageNotBlocking
, to make code coverage not blocking on a branch
- Take in account
in deployment checks and PR summaries
[4.43.0] 2024-07-06
- hardis:work:save : Update prompt messages
- Remove direct URL to target org in case of deployment failure
- AI Deployment Assistant: Fix identification of error messages
- Add deployment tip "Condition missing reference"
[4.42.0] 2024-07-02
- hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx : If testlevel=RunRepositoryTests, option runtests can contain a regular expression to keep only class names matching it. If not set, it will run all test classes found in the repo
- Reduce size of README
- Update documentation about Authentication & Security
- Add missing variables in workflows
[4.41.0] 2024-06-29
- AI Deployment Assistant: Integrate with OpenAI ChatGPT to find solutions to deployment issues
- Monitoring: Default 120mn timeout in Azure Workflow
- Backup: Replace colon in package file name
- New command hardis:project:fix:profiletabs to add / hide tabs directly in XML when such info is not retrieved by Salesforce CLI
[4.40.2] 2024-06-18
- hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail: Define new not suspect actions
- Currency
- updateddatedexchrate
- Custom App Licenses
- addeduserpackagelicense
- granteduserpackagelicense
- Manage Users
- unfrozeuser
- Mobile Administration
- assigneduserstomobileconfig
- Currency
- hardis:org:monitor:all: Define relevant items as weekly, not daily
[4.40.1] 2024-06-17
- hardis:project:clean:minimizeprofiles: Allow to skip profiles refactoring using .sfdx-hardis.yml property skipMinimizeProfiles (can be useful for Experience Cloud profiles)
[4.40.0] 2024-06-13
- Deployment tips: add missingDataCategoryGroup (no DataCategoryGroup named...)
- handle commandsPreDeploy and commandPostDeploy to run custom command before and after deployments
- If the commands are not the same depending on the target org, you can define them into config/branches/.sfdx-hardis-BRANCHNAME.yml instead of root config/.sfdx-hardis.yml
- id: knowledgeUnassign
label: Remove KnowledgeUser right to the user who has it
command: sf data update record --sobject User --where "UserPermissionsKnowledgeUser='true'" --values "UserPermissionsKnowledgeUser='false'" --json
- id: knowledgeAssign
label: Assign Knowledge user to the deployment user
command: sf data update record --sobject User --where "Username=''" --values "UserPermissionsKnowledgeUser='true'" --json
- id: knowledgeUnassign
label: Remove KnowledgeUser right to the user who has it
command: sf data update record --sobject User --where "UserPermissionsKnowledgeUser='true'" --values "UserPermissionsKnowledgeUser='false'" --json
- id: knowledgeAssign
label: Assign Knowledge user to the deployment user
command: sf data update record --sobject User --where "Username=''" --values "UserPermissionsKnowledgeUser='true'" --json
[4.39.0] 2024-06-13
- hardis:clean:references: new option v60
- Remove v61 userPermissions that do not exist in v60
[4.38.2] 2024-06-06
- Fix npm packages installation for GitHub monitoring to avoid random failures
- Add _notifKey in Grafana notifications to be able to build unique alerts
[4.38.1] 2024-06-04
- Add installed packages in monitoring backup logs
[4.38.0] 2024-06-03
- New command hardis:org:diagnose:licenses to send used licenses to monitoring logs like Grafana
- hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail: Exclude some Add / Remove users from a Territory events from Suspect Audit Trail actions
- hardis:org:diagnose:unusedusers: Fix metric name for ActiveUsers
[4.37.5] 2024-05-31
- hardis:org:purge:flow: Bulkify Flow deletion to improve performances
[4.37.4] 2024-05-28
- Fix pipeline and instructions for Monitoring using GitHub Actions
[4.37.3] 2024-05-28
- Revert to previous dashboards version to avoid issues with use of panel
- Add debug capabilities for advanced cases (call with DEBUG=sfdxhardis)
[4.37.2] 2024-05-27
- Half-automate the retrieve of default Grafana Dashboards
- Fix ticketing collection on PR with GitHub integration
- Fix monitoring bitbucket pipeline so the git pull works
[4.37.1] 2024-05-26
- Truncate logs sent to Grafana Loki in case they are too big, to avoid they are not taken in account
- Default truncate size: 500
- Add flowPositions in .sfdx-hardis.yml JSON Schema
- Add Grafana Cloud setup tutorial
[4.37.0] 2024-05-21
- New command hardis:project:clean:flowpositions to replace positions by 0 on AutoLayout Flows, in order to diminish conflicts
- Can be automated at each hardis:work:save if
added in .sfdx-hardis.yml autoCleanTypes property
- Can be automated at each hardis:work:save if
[4.36.0] 2024-05-19
- Update hardis:org:diagnose:unusedusers so it can also extract active users on a time period, thanks to option --returnactiveusers
- Add ACTIVE_USERS in weekly monitoring jobs
- Add JIRA variables to GitHub Workflows
[4.35.2] 2024-05-15
- Update monitoring default Gitlab, Azure & GitHub Workflows
[4.35.1] 2024-05-14
- Fix unused users notification identifier
[4.35.0] 2024-05-14
- New command sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:unusedusers to find users that don't use their license !
[4.34.1] 2024-05-13
- Notifications org identifier: replace dot by __ to avoid mess with Grafana label filters
[4.34.0] 2024-05-12
- NotifProvider
- Updates to also send metrics to Prometheus
- NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLE is now not applicable to ApiProvider who always sends notifs
[4.33.2] 2024-05-06
- hardis:org:test:apex : Always send coverageValue, coverageTarget and the list of failing classes to API logs
[4.33.1] 2024-05-05
- Api logs enhancements:
- Add severity and severityIcon in all log elements details
- Add dateTime property (ISO format) in all API logs
- Remove deprecated way to call MsTeams notifications
- hardis:org:monitor:limits : Fix bug when some values are not returned
[4.33.0] 2024-05-04
- New notifications provider: ApiProvider (beta), that allows to send notifications via HTTP/JSON to remote endpoints, like Grafana Loki, but also any custom one
- New notification severity level: log, to send notifications via ApiProvider even when there is no detected issue
- Update all existing notifications to add detailed log lines and additional log data
- hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail: Fix lastndays not taken in account in some contexts
- Complete refactoring of hardis:org:test:apex (same behavior but much organized code)
- Notifications: Display success logs in blue
- New monitoring command: sfdx hardis:org:monitor:limits to alert in case org limits are over 50% or 75% usage
- Fix gitlab-ci-config.yml: More restrictive regex for deployment branches
[4.32.2] 2024-05-01
- Fix GitHub Actions check deploy workflow
[4.32.1] 2024-04-30
- hardis:work:new : Replace all non alphanumeric characters in new git branch name
[4.32.0] 2024-04-24
Enhance BitBucket Integration, by @Alainbates in
- Deployment status in Pull Request comments
- Quick Deploy to enhance performance
- Remove useless close WebSocket issue display
[4.31.2] 2024-04-10
- QuickFix Monitoring setup
[4.31.1] 2024-04-10
- Fix json output (remove other console logs that are not supposed to be here)
[4.31.0] 2024-04-10
- Add native Jenkins integration with Jenkinsfile for CI/CD Pipeline
- Update default pipelines to add JIRA variables
- Better handle of Jira API issues
[4.30.0] 2024-04-02
- Fix default package-no-overwrite.xml (typos on NamesCredential & RemoteSiteSetting)
- Add links to FAQ in documentation
- Add two new PMD rules for quality pmd-ruleset-high.xml and pmd-ruleset-medium.xml
[4.29.0] 2024-03-25
- Handle manifest/preDestructiveChanges.xml to delete items before deployments if necessary
- Update documentation about integrations
- Upgrade dependencies
[4.28.4] 2024-03-11
- Allow to override default scratch org duration using .sfdx-hardis.yml property scratchOrgDuration
[4.28.3] 2024-03-05
- Audit trail check: Ignore change phone number events
[4.28.2] 2024-02-27
- Fix wrong upgrade version notification
- Update PMD bypassing rules doc
[4.28.1] 2024-02-26
- Fix issue when using email notifications with multiple recipients
[4.28.0] 2024-02-21
- Minimum Node.js version is now v18
- New notifications channel: EmailProvider (use variable NOTIF_EMAIL_ADDRESS that can contain a comma-separated list of e-mail addresses)
- Update existing call to notifications to add attached files when Email notif channel is active
- Audit trail suspect actions: add the number of occurences for each suspect action found
- Add more not suspect actions: dkimRotationPreparationSuccessful,createdReportJob,deletedReportJob,DeleteSandbox
- Get tickets info: also check in ticket ids in branch name
- Remove force config restDeploy=true
- Rename Provided by sfdx-hardis into Powered by sfdx-hardis
[4.27.1] 2024-02-10
- Skip post-deployment notifications if nothing was deployed in delta mode
- Simplify JIRA post deployment error output
[4.27.0] 2024-02-09
- Skip legacy notifications if NotifProvider has been used
- Allow to send warning, error and critical notifications to secondary Slack or Teams channel, using variables SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_ERRORS_WARNINGS or MS_TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL_ERRORS_WARNINGS
[4.26.3] 2024-02-02
- Add bash to sfdx-hardis docker image
[4.26.2] 2024-02-01
- Display warning message when failed to upload connected app
- Update documentation about how to work on a dev sandbox / scratch org
[4.26.1] 2024-01-31
- Update Contributor User Guide
- Empty predefined list of packages to install
[4.26.0] 2024-01-27
- Detect JIRA tickets even if there is only their identifiers in commits / PR text (see Documentation)
- Fix PR comment ticket URL when detail has not been found on server
- Monitoring: run non-critical commands only weekly by default (on saturdays)
[4.25.1] 2024-01-18
- Fix Microsoft Teams notifications formatting
[4.25.0] 2024-01-15
- Integration with Azure Boards (Work Items) ticketing system
- Enrich MR/PR comments by adding work items references and links
- Enrich notifications comments by adding work items references and links
- Post a comment and a tag on Azure Work Items when they are deployed in a major org
- Enhance JIRA integration by posting labels once an issue is deployed in a major org
[4.24.1] 2024-01-11
- Improve display of Microsoft Teams notifications
[4.24.0] 2024-01-09
- Add generic ticketing provider, that can identify any ticket references using:
[4.23.3] 2023-12-28
- hardis:org:purge:flow: Ignore managed flows - Fixes #532
- hardis:work:new prevent parenthesis in branch name - Fixes #481
[4.23.2] 2023-12-25
- Catch errors when a JIRA comment has not been posted
- Simplify package-no-overwrite.xml management logs
[4.23.1] 2023-12-25
- Handle case when tickets have no content
[4.23.0] 2023-12-25
- Use jira-client package instead of jira.js to be compliant not only with JIRA Cloud, but also with Jira on-premise
- Improve delta logs
[4.22.0] 2023-12-24
- Add more info in pull requests comments
- Commits summary
- Jira tickets
- Manual Actions
- Integration with JIRA
- Collect tickets info JIRA server
- Post comment on tickets once they are deployed
[4.21.6] 2023-12-22
- New task: Ask confirmation before updating selected sandbox
- Deployment tips
- Visibility is not allowed for type
- Audit trail, ignore more events
- Holidays: holiday_insert
- loginasgrantedtopartnerbt
[4.21.5] 2023-12-14
- hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail
- Display user name in logs & notifications
- Add new excluded actions: changedemail, changedsenderemail, queueMembership, enableSIQUserNonEAC
[4.21.4] 2023-12-12
- Fix the output column in the metadata status report to distinguish between inactive flows and validation rules identified in the source
[4.21.3] 2023-12-08
- Add more variables in default azure-pipelines.yml monitoring
- Fix output file name of inactive metadatas audit
[4.21.2] 2023-12-08
- Downgrade base docker image to alpine:3.18
[4.21.1] 2023-12-08
- Update Azure Pipelines workflows to add more variables (+ error message giving this list of variables)
- Fix notifs from Azure when spaces in url
- Fix monitoring job on Azure
- Add link to troubleshooting page if backup fails
- Handle notification message when there is no apex in the project
- Do not write report log when there are no differences during monitoring backup step
- Do not try to post PR comments if not in check deploy job
- Check unused licenses: fix crash when no permission set group assignments
- Fix URL to Azure Pull Requests
- Fix display name of PR author on Azure
[4.21.0] 2023-12-06
- hardis:lint:access: Add feature in access command to verify if an object permission exist twice or more in the same permission set
- hardis:org:monitor:backup: Allow to exclude more metadata types using env variable MONITORING_BACKUP_SKIP_METADATA_TYPES (example: `MONITORING_BACKUP_SKIP_METADATA_TYPES=CustomLabel,StaticResource,Translation`)
- When prompt for login, Suggest custom login URL as first choice by default
- CICD: Update default gitlab-ci-config.yml
- Configure Org CI Auth: Do not prevent to use main or master as production branch
[4.20.1] 2023-12-04
- Handle errors while calling monitoring commands
- Increase jsforce Bulk API Timeout (60 seconds)
- Set default Bulk Query retries to 3 attempts
[4.20.0] 2023-12-04
- Add feature in metadatastatus command to verify if a validation rule is inactive in the source
- hardis:lint:metadatastatus
- Check inactive validation rules
- Add js documentation
- Monitoring: Fix crash when a package name contains a slash
[4.19.1] 2023-12-03
- Output CSV mirror XLS files reports in a xls folder for easier browsing
- hardis:org:diagnose:unusedlicenses
- Add more Profile & Permission Set Licenses relationships
- Handle special cases where license is not stored on the permission set, like Sales User !
[4.19.0] 2023-12-02
- New command sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:unusedlicenses to detect unused Permission Set Licenses (that you pay for anyway !)
[4.18.3] 2023-11-29
- Improve test cases notification
- Enhance monitoring documentation with more descriptions and screenshots
[4.18.2] 2023-11-29
- hardis:work:save enhancements
- Display more output during cleaning jobs
- Keep userPermissions in Profiles when they are defined to
[4.18.1] 2023-11-29
- Improve backup notifications display
[4.18.0] 2023-11-29
- Delta deployments is no more beta but Generally available
- Org Monitoring is no more beta but Generally available
- Generate CSV reports also in XSLX format for easier opening
[4.17.1] 2023-11-28
- Generate CSV output for hardis:org:monitor:backup
- Refactor git detection of created/updated/deleted files
[4.17.0] 2023-11-28
- hardis:org:backup: Monitor installed packages
- hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail: Add more ignored events
- Email Administration: dkimRotationSuccessful
- Manage Users: PermSetGroupAssign
- Manage Users: PermSetGroupUnassign
- Complete factorization of notification related methods
- Do not remove applicationVisibilities and recordTypeVisibilities from Profiles if they are defined to false (allow to hide applications)
[4.16.1] 2023-11-27
- Core: Factorize CSV generation
[4.16.0] 2023-11-27
- Allow to run commands but disable notifications, using NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLE env var or notificationsDisable .sfdx-hardis.yml property.
- Update JSON schema to add
[4.15.1] 2023-11-26
- Improve notifs display with hardis:lint:access
[4.15.0] 2023-11-24
- Allow to disable not monitoring checks using monitoringDisable config file property, or MONITORING_DISABLE env var
- Add new feature to identify custom fields without description
- hardis:lint:missingattributes : New command to identify custom field without description
- Add new feature to identify custom metadata (flows) inactive in project
- hardis:lint:metadatastatus : New command to identify custom metadata (Labels and custom permissions) not used in source code
- Rework generate csv file : generateReportPath and generateCsvFile
- Update monitoring and slack documentation
- Fix slack, teams & Azure notifications
[4.14.0] 2023-11-23
- Add new feature to identify custom metadata (Labels and custom permissions) not used in source code
- hardis:lint:unusedmetadata : New command to identify custom metadata (Labels and custom permissions) not used in source code
- Add two function getNotificationButtons and getBranchMarkdown in notifUtils.ts class to factorize code
- Video explaining how to setup sfdx-hardis monitoring
- Improve notifications display of lists
[4.13.4] 2023-11-22
- Upgrade ms-teams-webhook library so it works again !
- hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail: Add changedmanager to not suspect setup actions
[4.13.2] 2023-11-21
- hardis:lint:access: Do not display empty metadata types in notification.
- hardis:work:new: Improve prompt messages when asked if you want to refresh your sandbox
[4.13.1] 2023-11-21
- hardis:lint:access
- Exclude custom settings, custom metadata and data cloud from fields access check
- hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail
- Add changedUserEmailVerifiedStatusUnverified and useremailchangesent to not suspect setup actions
- Output info in case Ms Teams notification failed to be sent
[4.13.0] 2023-11-19
- Monitoring
- Display package.xml content in logs when backup failed
- Update default package-skip-items.xml
- Call hardis:lint:access by default
- Handle empty sections
- hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail enhancements:
- Add PerSetUnassign in not suspect monitored actions in Setup Audit Trail
- Allow to append more allowed Setup Audit Trail sections & actions using
property monitoringAllowedSectionsActions
- hardis:lint:access enhancements:
- Exclude required fields and MasterDetails, that can not be defined on Permission Sets
- Output report file
- Send slack notification
- Add it by default in the monitoring commands
- Doc
- Update contributing infos (use
sf plugins link
- Update contributing infos (use
- hardis:files:export : Make the command compliant with Email attachments
[4.12.2] 2023-11-15
- Add user prompts for setup audit trail monitoring in interactive mode
[4.12.1] 2023-11-15
- Allow to exclude more usernames from monitoring using .sfdx-hardis.yml property monitoringExcludeUsernames
[4.12.0] 2023-11-14
- New command sfdx hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail to detect suspect actions in major orgs
- Run by default in org monitoring
- Fix notifications bulletpoints
- Fix Gitlab provider token collections when in monitoring mode
[4.11.0] 2023-11-14
- If QuickDeploy failed, by default do not use delta for a deployment after a merge between a minor and a major branch
- Allow to tweak delta deployments configuration (but it's really better to use default opinionated default config !)
[4.10.3] 2023-11-12
- Allow to configure monitoring on deployment repositories (Fix #477)
- Forbid to configure CI authentication on main or master branch
- Do not send legacy API notifications when there are no issues (Fix #478)
- Upgrade dependencies
[4.10.2] 2023-11-07
- If you want to force the use full deployment on a delta project Pull Request/ Merge Request, add nodelta in your latest commit title or text.
- Display FULL / DELTA / Quick Deploy info at the bottom of the logs.
- sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig: Do not replace Ids when updating the .sfdx-hardis.yml list of packages using packages listed from an org
[4.10.1] 2023-11-06
- Improve delta display in logs
- Display Quick Deploy icon in slack notifications
- Update Azure Pipelines default pipelines for delta deployments compliance
- Update slack integration documentation
- Add tutorials for authentication configuration on CI/CD servers
[4.10.O] 2023-11-04
- Allow to deploy in delta during PR checks between minor and major branches
- To activate it, define
useDeltaDeployment: true
, or set env variable USE_DELTA_DEPLOYMENT with valuetrue
- Make sure your GitHub, Gitlab, Azure or Bitbucket yaml workflows are up to date
- To activate it, define
- Overwrite management: Rename packageDeployOnce.xml into package-no-overwrite.xml (compatibility with packageDeployOnce.xml file name is kept)
[4.9.2] 2023-10-31
- Improve GitHub monitoring Workflow
- Enhance monitoring documentation
[4.9.1] 2023-10-31
- New deployment error tips:
- Invalid custom summary formula definition
- Add artifacts config on bitbucket-pipelines.yml
- Add more comments in Monitoring workflows
[4.9.0] 2023-10-30
- Refactor Monitoring configuration and execution (beta)
- If you already have a monitoring v1 repository, deprecate it and create a new one with the new monitoring setup and pipelines
- Send slack notifications
- Latest updates detected in org
- Failing apex tests, or insufficient code coverage
- Deprecated API calls detected
- Full setup documentation
- GitHub Actions
- Gitlab CI
- Azure Pipelines
- Bitbucket Pipelines
- Totally rewritten command sfdx hardis:org:configure:monitoring
- New command sfdx hardis:org:monitor:backup
- New command sfdx hardis:org:monitor:all
- Simplify
sfdx hardis:project:configure:auth
(Configure Org CI Authentication) - Disable auto-update for .gitignore & .forceignore
- Improve documentation related to pull and commit
[4.8.1] 2023-10-28
- Catch "Cannot start the OAuth redirect server on port 1717" and give instructions to user to kill the process
[4.8.0] 2023-10-25
- Allow to use Device login for Code Builder compatibility
- New option to clear cache if an authenticated org does not appear in the choices
[4.7.0] 2023-10-24
- hardis:org:files:export: New configuration available to export files: outputFileNameFormat, with available values:
- title (default)
- title_id
- id_title
- id
[4.6.6] 2023-10-20
- Fix crash when converting orgCoverage to string
[4.6.5] 2023-10-17
- Do not use direct call to jsforce dependency to avoid crash ! ( related to )
- Update documentation
- Update comparative table in doc
[4.6.4] 2023-09-28
- hardis:work:save : Fix issue when there is an empty commit because of pre-commit hooks
[4.6.3] 2023-09-27
- Add installation video tutorial:
[4.6.2] 2023-09-26
- Fix return code for wrapper commands force:source:deploy, force:source:push and force:mdapi:deploy
- Fix --skipauth not taken in account with @salesforce/cli
- Fixed PR coverage to use float over string
[4.6.1] 2023-09-26
- Fix auth issue with force:source & force:mdapi wrapper sfdx-hardis commands
[4.6.0] 2023-09-20
sfdx-hardis & Slack Integration
- Easy configuration
- Deployment notifications to a common channel, and also to git branch dedicated channel
Native BitBucket CI/CD Pipeline for PR deployment checks and deployments to major orgs after merge
- PR comments are not implemented yet but BitBucket can already be used for production
hardis:project:deploy:dx enhancements:
- Added new option --testlevel RunRepositoryTests which will dynamically detect all GIT repository test classes and runs the deployment with found tests. This will speed up the validation/deployment on cases where GIT repository module contains subset of all tests found in the org
- Added --runtests support in order to pass certain APEX test classes when --testlevel RunSpecifiedTests is used
- Embed Dreamforce 23 slides in documentation
[4.5.1] 2023-09-11
- GitHub Integration: Fix Quick Deploy on Pull Requests
[4.5.0] 2023-09-11
- GitHub Integration: Implement automated comments & Quick Deploy on Pull Requests
[4.4.0] 2023-09-10
- Make sfdx-hardis CI/CD Pipelines natively compliant with GitHub Actions , by @legetz
- Create sfdx project: Change defaut first major branch name to
(it was previouslydevelop
) - Update default API version to 58.0
- Fix bug when user email is input the first time
[4.3.2] 2023-09-08
- Updates new task, commit & save task documentation & screenshots
[4.3.1] 2023-09-07
- Improve message when deploying metadata to org from local sfdx-hardis
- Improve documentation to handle merge requests and display links at the end of hardis:work:save
[4.3.0] 2023-09-05
- Back to normal since is fixed
[4.2.5] 2023-09-05
- Downgrade to sfdx-cli until is solved.
[4.2.4] 2023-09-05
- Downgrade @salesforce/plugin-deploy-retrieve to v1.17.6 as workaround for SF cli bug
[4.2.3] 2023-09-04
- Fix issues with Org monitoring when there are issues with Legacy API
[4.2.2] 2023-09-01
- Fix upgrade warning message that should not appear when there is no upgrade to perform (detected by @mamasse19)
[4.2.1] 2023-08-30
- Fix issue in sfdx commands wrapping following the use of @salesforce/cli
- Config auth: phrases in bold when needing to relaunch the same command after org selection
[4.2.0] 2023-08-30
- Simplify UX of hardis:project:configure:auth
- Factorize prompting of email
- Expire sfdx-hardis connected app token after 3h
- Update documentation to add workaround in case there is a crash when retrieving all sources when initializing a DX project from an existing org
- Add output to explain how to not use QuickDeploy if not wanted
- Update Quick Deploy documentation
[4.1.2] 2023-08-24
- When there is a crash in force
installed:list , do not crash but return empty array and display an error message
[4.1.1] 2023-08-23
- Improve error message when Git Provider not available
- Update default azure-pipelines-deployment.yml to add mandatory variables for QuickDeploy
SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)
SYSTEM_COLLECTIONURI: $(System.CollectionUri)
BUILD_REPOSITORY_ID: $(Build.Repository.ID)
[4.1.0] 2023-08-22
- Manage QuickDeploy when available (disable by defining env var
[4.0.1] 2023-08-18
BREAKING CHANGE: If you are not using sfdx-hardis docker images, you need to manually update your CI/CD pipelines scripts using sfdx-hardis (gitlab-ci.yml, azure-pipelines.yml...) to:
- replace
- Add
sf plugins install @salesforce/plugin-packaging
just afternpm install @salesforce/cli --global
Other upgrades
- Upgrade CI/CD scripts and sfdx-hardis docker images from sfdx-cli to @salesforce/cli (sfdx commands remain called in background), and add
by default - Now also release sfdx-hardis images on GitHub Packages (
- Internal CI refactorization
- Secure releases with GitHub Actions permissions & environments
- Switch to official docker build & push action
- Upgrade MegaLinter
- Upgrade npm dependencies
[3.19.4] 2023-07-18
- Add confirmation before resetting a git branch from VsCode command "Reset selected list of items to merge" (from an original idea of @derroman)
[3.19.3] 2023-07-10
- Allow to disable red colors for force:source:deploy output using env variable SFDX_HARDIS_DEPLOY_ERR_COLORS=false
[3.19.2] 2023-07-06
- Add packaging in online doc menu
[3.19.1] 2023-07-05
- Add Hotfix management (BUILD vs RUN) in CI/CD documentation
- Add Packaging & package version instructions in documentation
[3.19.0] 2023-07-03
- Monitoring: Do not exclude custom fields on managed objects
-ex: Remove
, but keepNs__Object__c.Field__c
[3.18.1] 2023-06-13
- QuickFix hardis:work:save when branch has not been created on the computer
[3.18.0] 2023-06-07
- Clean entitlement items, by @yamioliva in
[3.17.0] 2022-05-30
- New command hardis:org:generate:packagexmlfull to generate the full package.xml of a selected Salesforce org
[3.16.1] 2022-05-29
- Also remove standard fields when running hardis:project:clean:standarditems
- New Deployment tips
- Wrong api Version of a Metadata
- Unknown user
- Upgrade to MegaLinter v7
[3.16.0] 2022-05-24
- New ENV variables to override default wait on retrieve/deploy/test commands
- Update default .forceignore content
[3.15.0] 2022-05-11
- Allow to define property availableProjects so when user clicks on New task (hardis:work:new), he/she is asked to select a project, that will be used to build the new git branch name
- When creating new task, store the target branch so it is not prompted again when waiting to save/publish the task.
[3.14.2] 2022-05-03
- More explicit text to ask user if he/she wants to update its selected sandbox while creating a new task
- Do not ask to change default target branch if there are multiple available branches
[3.14.1] 2022-04-19
- Allow to override the default deployment wait time (60) using variable SFDX_DEPLOY_WAIT_MINUTES
- Update JSON schema to add customOrgColors
[3.14.0] 2022-04-14
- Fix breaking change of sfdx-git-delta (many thanks @scolladon !)
- Deploy tips
- Invalid report type
- Missing report
- Update missing email template message
- Add more space between error lines in PR/MR comments
- Upgrade xml2js dependency
- Update call to MegaLinter in Azure integrations
[3.13.1] 2022-04-12
- Fix missing sfdx-git-delta in Docker image
[3.13.0] 2022-04-06
- Change defaut package install mode to AdminsOnly
- When minimizing Profiles, do not remove the personAccountDefault=true elements
- Add new deploy tip: Error parsing file
[3.12.3] 2022-04-04
- Do not add EmailTemplate and Flows as separate items in deploymentPlan, as metadata API now can handle their deployment with the rest of the sources
- Add new deployTip: Missing multi-currency field
- Update label when creating a new task using an existing sandbox
[3.12.2] 2022-03-30
- New deployment error tips
- SortOrder must be in sequential order from 1. (Duplicate Rules issue)
- Invalid field:ACCOUNT.NAME in related list:RelatedContactAccountRelationList
- Add more matchers for duplicate detector
[3.12.1] 2022-03-29
- Fix false positive error in deployment job when there is no related Pull/Merge request
[3.12.0] 2022-03-23
- Integration with Azure Pipelines Pull Request threads
- hardis:work:new: Allow to select no org even of sandbox or scratch is forced on the project using config property allowedOrgTypes
- Doc: rename User Guide into Contributor Guide
[3.11.1] 2022-03-20
- Better fix for root path issues (internal error)
[3.11.0] 2022-03-20
- Fix root path issues (internal error)
[3.10.2] 2022-03-16
- Fix sandbox check when calling hardis:source:push
[3.10.1] 2022-03-15
- Quick fix Gitlab integration when there is no MR associated to a deployment
[3.10.0] 2022-03-15
- Post a Gitlab Merge Request note when checking a deployment (beta)
- Deployment errors with resolution tips
- Failing test classes
- Code coverage
- Do not remove then restore lookup filters when source:push on a source-tracked sandbox
- Catch and display errors when caused by internet connection issue
[3.9.2] 2022-03-09
- Update deploy tips for error Unknown user permission: SendExternalEmailAvailable
[3.9.1] 2022-03-08
- Improve logs for false positive after package installation failure
- Remove useless and scary log after a successful login :)
- Remove npm cache from Docker image
[3.9.0] 2022-03-08
- New task with source tracked sandbox:
- Do not allow to select a major org for dev or config
- Open SF org if selected from the already connected list
- Init packages only if defined in config
- Enhance labels
- Save task: Notify that once the merge request is merged, you must create a new task that will create a new branch
- Improve login error messages
- Use latest version of MegaLinter
[3.8.0] 2022-03-03
- Manage deprecation of force:mdapi:legacy:deploy, replaced by force:mdapi:deploy
- Update default packageDeployOnce.xml when creating a new project (related to Overwrite management)
- Update CI/CD documentation
- Initialize orgs
- Update labels of prompts when creating a new sfdx-hardis project
[3.7.1] 2022-02-27
- Use tooling API to retrieve ApexLogs for deletion, by @thvd in
[3.7.0] 2022-02-27
- Add demo video about configuring authentication between CI and Salesforce orgs
- Update CI/CD documentation
- Update branding
[3.6.0] 2022-02-23
- Add sfdx sources to monitoring for better readability
- Change example of email addresses for prompts
- Update CI/CD recommendations in documentation
[3.5.0] 2022-02-22
- Update default overwrite config (
) - Setup CI: Define default Azure pipelines YML files
- Fix notification logs for Azure Pipelines
[3.4.0] 2022-02-21
- Move documentation to
[3.3.2] 2022-02-17
- Fix default monitoring for Azure pipelines
- Update CI documentation (Azure)
[3.3.1] 2022-02-16
- Fix check of newer package installed
[3.3.0] 2022-02-14
- Compliance of monitoring setup with Azure Pipelines
- hardis:org:retrieve:source:metadata enhancements
- new option --includemanaged, disabled by default, to avoid having too many items to retrieve during monitoring job
- allow to force monitoring additional tasks using env var SFDX_HARDIS_MONITORING set to "true"
[3.2.0] 2022-02-10
- Fix issue when logging to a new org during command hardis:source:retrieve
- Implement check of code coverage when calling sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx --check
- 75% minimum by default, overridable in property apexTestsMinCoverageOrgWide in .sfdx-hardis.yml, or using env var APEX_TESTS_MIN_COVERAGE_ORG_WIDE
- Add --checkcoverage option to wrapper command hardis:source:deploy
- Example:
sfdx hardis:source:deploy -x manifest/package.xml --wait 60 --ignorewarnings --testlevel RunLocalTests --postdestructivechanges ./manifest/destructiveChanges.xml --targetusername --checkonly --checkcoverage --verbose --coverageformatters json-summary
- Example:
[3.1.0] 2022-02-07
- Reset local sfdx tracking when reusing a sandbox for a new task
[3.0.0] 2022-02-07
- Breaking change: SFDX_HARDIS_DEPLOY_IGNORE_SPLIT_PACKAGES is now "true" by default. If you want to apply the deploymentPlan in .sfdx-hardis, you need to define variable SFDX_HARDIS_DEPLOY_IGNORE_SPLIT_PACKAGES="false"
[2.100.0] 2022-02-07
- hardis:work:new:: When creating a new task and using a source-tracked sandbox, ask user to push sources, assign permission sets and load data to initialize it.
- Add explicit error message when scratch org creation is caused by a limit reach
- Update default API version to 56.0
- Improve labels when prompting to select an org
- Update CI/CD documentation
[2.99.1] 2022-01-31
- Fix
when multiple files in the same folder match the same glob pattern - Update documentation, fix typos and dead links
[2.99.0] 2022-01-30
- Replace prompts library by inquirer, because prompts is buggy
- Dockerfile: Workaround for (force:apex:test:run with code coverage crashing on some Gitlab runners with Invalid time value)
- Allow to override the proposed branch names when calling hardis:work:new, using property branchPrefixChoices
- hardis:project:clean:hiddenitems: Also clean LWC with hidden content
- Add yarn in dockerfile
[2.98.1] 2022-01-23
- Fix hardis:org:purge:flow when flow prompt selection is
[2.98.0] 2022-01-23
- Documentation: Add CI/CD user guide and release manager guide, available at
- New .sfdx-hardis.yml config property allowedOrgTypes, allowing to define the type(s) or org that can be used for implementation: (sandbox and/or scratch)
[2.97.3] 2022-11-30
- QuickFix System.debug removal
[2.97.2] 2022-11-30
- QuickFix
[2.97.1] 2022-11-30
- QuickFix hardis:lint:access
[2.97.0] 2022-11-30
- New command hardis:lint:access to analyze of items in sources are not present within profiles and/or permission sets
[2.96.1] 2022-11-17
- Fix error when assigning already existing PS
- Update default CI config
[2.96.0] 2022-11-09
- Replace
sfdx force:package:install
withsfdx force:package:beta:install
- Do not cause deployment to fail when a deploying an older managed package version
- Instead, deployment will assume the newer version meets the requirement
- hardis:scratch:create : Avoid error in case of already existing assignment of PermissionSet SfdxHardisDeferSharingRecalc
- Update Node.js minimum version to 16.x
[2.95.2] 2022-10-19
- Replace use of sfpowerkit by default command
sfdx force:source:manifest:create
- Manage cache for listing orgs
- Update hardis
version:create to allow to
- install it later on an org
- immediately delete it
- New command hardis:project:metadata:findduplicates to detect when git messed during an automated merging of conflicts
- Factorize check of sfdx project existence
- Fix default gitlab-ci default pipeline
- Replace supportsDevhubUsername by requiresDevhubUsername in command classes when necessary
- Add parameters
onsfdx hardis:project:metadata:duplicate
- Add missing parameter
onsfdx hardis:package:install
[2.94.3] 2022-09-15
- Automate SSL certificate generation + force:source:deploy replaced by force:source:legacy:deploy
[2.94.2] 2022-09-09
- hardis:project:clean:minimizeprofiles: Do not strip tabVisibilities from Profiles
[2.94.1] 2022-09-01
- Lock sfpowerkit dependency to 4.2.13 to avoid error caused by deprecation of sfpowerkit:org:build:manifest
[2.94.0] 2022-08-31
- Update documentation to initialize scratch org
- Update JSON schema to add
- Fix execution of scripts defined in
[2.93.0] 2022-08-02
- Fix handling of new sfdx error format so we can again identify deployment tips
- New deployment tips:
- Cannot update a field to a Summary from something else
[2.92.0] 2022-07-29
- New command hardis:org:retrieve:source:analytics to retrieve all analytics (CRM Analytics/TCRM) sources
- New deployment tips (Wave analytics)
- Fix writePackageXml method when there is not an existing file
[2.91.0] 2022-07-15
- Fix issue when force:source command wrappers arguments contain spaces (#269))
- Upgrade MegaLinter to v6
- Upgrade yarn dependencies
[2.90.0] 2022-06-24
- Events to open generated files when called from VsCode SFDX Hardis
- New deployTips
[2.89.3] 2022-06-21
- Fix exported file extension (#266)
[2.89.2] 2022-06-17
- Build full manifest using sfpowerkit excluding
because it is not managed by retrieve
[2.89.1] 2022-06-16
- Auto-update gitlab-ci.yml only if variable
is set
[2.89.0] 2022-06-12
- hardis
mergexml: New command to merge package.Xml files
[2.88.0] 2022-06-11
- hardis:project:clean:systemdebug: New command to comment or remove all System.debug from apex and triggers
[2.87.5] 2022-05-18
- toml2csv: Allow
values for concat - Refactor internal CI to use 7.148.3 as recommended version
[2.87.4] 2022-05-18
- Fix configure org CI
- Hide auth info from console logs
- Fix Bulk Update job not closed
[2.87.3] 2022-05-12
- Auto-update
if a newest version exists
[2.87.2] 2022-05-11
- Refactor report directory management
[2.87.1] 2022-05-11
- Fix monitoring default pipeline
[2.87.0] 2022-05-08
- New command hardis:project:clean:xml allowing to automate the manual cleaning in the XML files using glob pattern and xPath
- Reorganize work:save command code + add auto mode
- Call Save command from Retrofit command to update package.xml files and make sure sources have been cleaned
[2.86.1] 2022-05-06
- hardis:work:new : Propose to reuse current scratch org when it is not in the local list
- hardis:work:save : Propose to push git branch on server when it is still untracked
[2.86.0] 2022-05-03
- New wrapper command: sfdx hardis:source:retrieve
- Quickfix toml2csv
[2.85.2] 2022-05-02
- Fix toml2csv error log
- Deployment tips
- Allow deployment with pending Apex Jobs
- Update Can not find folder
[2.85.1] 2022-04-27
- Enhance sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:retrofit command + JSON schema updates
[2.85.0] 2022-04-27
- Enhance sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:retrofit command
- Ad deployment tip: Invalid field in related list
[2.84.0] 2022-04-27
- Update deployTips: improve unknown custom field message
- New command sfdx hardis:doc:extract:permsetgroups to generate permission set groups documentation
[2.83.6] 2022-04-26
- Fix hardis:work:save who sometimes forgot to ask to push commits
[2.83.5] 2022-04-24
- Update deployment tips
[2.83.0] 2022-04-20
- New deployment tips:
- Not valid sharing model
- Improve purge flows for manual users
- Improve badwords detector
- Open scratch org when reusing one
- Hide prompt result when it contains sensitive information
[2.82.2] 2022-04-19
- New deployTip: Can not change type due to existing data
- Do not replace ListView Everything by Mine when we are just simulating deployment
[2.82.1] 2022-04-16
- QuickFix platform compatibility for
sfdx hardis:org:fix:listviewmine
[2.82.0] 2022-04-16
- New command
sfdx hardis:org:fix:listviewmine
as a workaround to force:source:deploy not allowing ListView with scope Mine
[2.81.0] 2022-04-15
- New property
to always retrieve some sources when calling hardis:source:pull (useful when sfdx tracking forgets some updates)
[2.80.0] 2022-04-15
- Simplify and document more hardis:work:new , hardis:work:pull and hardis:work:save
- Open org in browser when fetched from scratch org pool
- More deploymentTips
- Add
definition in json schema
[2.79.0] 2022-04-10
- New property
, to allow local config file to extend from remote file - Add
definition in json schema
[2.78.4] 2022-04-09
- Update documentation
[2.78.3] 2022-04-08
- Add a retrofit command to retrieve changes made directly in an org
[2.78.2] 2022-04-08
- Fix legacy API command display (#225)
[2.78.1] 2022-04-07
- Fix CI & remove docker image with sfdx-cli@stable as it does not exists anymore
[2.78.0] 2022-04-07
- New parameter --skipauth on all hardis commands, to allow the auth check when a default username is required (allows advanced users to improve performances)
- Set user email when fetching a scratch org from scratch org pool
[2.77.2] 2022-04-07
- Fix bug when subtracting a package.xml from another
[2.77.1] 2022-04-07
- Fix error in packageDeployOnce.xml document (sfdx hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx)
[2.77.0] 2022-04-05
- Generate deployment tips documentation
- hardis:org:user:activateinvalid : new --profiles argument
- Update MsTeams WebHooks ENV variables
- Allow to install packages during deployment check using INSTALL_PACKAGES_DURING_CHECK_DEPLOY=true env variable
- Enhance prompt org labels
[2.76.2] 2022-04-04
- Improve activate invalid users commands (allow to select by profile(s))
[2.76.1] 2022-04-04
- Improve activate invalid users commands
[2.76.0] 2022-04-03
- New command sfdx hardis:org:user:activateinvalid to activate invalid emails in sandbox
- Fix CI org authentication in case the default username is not the org that we want to configure
- Bypass error with force:source:legacy:pull / push
- hardis:work:save : Propose to manually commit files
- Fix hardis:org:select alias & user config
- Colorize command lines in logs
- Enhance new task with sandbox (not fully stable yet)
- New deployTips
- Please choose a different name
[2.75.0] 2022-03-28
- Property
can be defined in.sfdx-hardis.yml
to list the possible target branches for merge requests - fix hardis:work:save to propose a git push when the current branch is ahead of origin branch
- New deployTips
- XML item appears more than once
[2.74.2] 2022-03-26
- Update legacy API detection labels
[2.74.1] 2022-03-25
- Manage crash when retrieving metadatas from CI jobs
[2.74.0] 2022-03-24
- Enhance hardis:work:save to request if the files has already been staged and committed
- Deploy manifest and destructive change in the same sfdx force:source:deploy call thanks to new argument postdestructivechanges
- More deployTips
- Improve MsTeams notifications management
[2.73.0] 2022-03-21
- Improve tips about how to fix deployments directly within error messages
- Wrapper commands to display tips in error logs
- force:source:deploy can be wrapped using hardis:source:deploy
- force:source:push can be wrapped using hardis:source:push
- force:mdapi:deploy can be wrapped using hardis:mdapi:deploy
[2.72.0] 2022-03-21
- Include tips about how to fix deployments directly within error messages
[2.71.2] 2022-03-17
- Update JSON schema for customCommands (used by VsCode SFDX Hardis)
- New property for scratch org pool config: maxScratchOrgsNumberToCreateOnce (max number of scratch orgs to create during one CI job)
[2.71.0] 2022-03-15
- New command hardis:org:data:delete to manage delete data workspaces of sfdmu
- New command hardis:scratch:pool:reset to delete all scratch orgs from a scratch orgs pool (like when a new project-scratch-def is delivered)
[2.70.0] 2022-03-10
- hardis:org:apex:test : allow command to succeed when no tests are present in the project, useful for new environments initialization
[2.69.0] 2022-03-02
- Scratch org pool: add history (fetch,auth) on ActiveScratchOrg devhub record
[2.68.6] 2022-02-22
- remove
noisy lines from logs
[2.68.5] 2022-02-18
- Update mkdocs
- fix commit of files with spaces
[2.68.4] 2022-02-18
- hardis
- Add -k, --installationkey CLI param and prompts user for it if not supplied
[2.68.3] 2022-02-18
- Fix hardis
version:promote --auto
[2.68.2] 2022-02-15
- Fix minimize profiles command
[2.68.1] 2022-02-02
- Allow property autoRemoveUserPermissions in .sfdx-hardis.yml to clean profiles
- toml2csv:
- Add concatComposite option for column
- Add recordType option for column
[2.68.0] 2022-01-31
- Do not create log files in the current directory if it is empty
- More deployTips
- Clean MDAPI output logs from progression lines
- Add listViewMine in cleaning references
- toml2csv updates
[2.67.1] 2022-01-20
- Enhance documentation for hardis:scratch:pool:create command
- Fixes and enhancements on toml2csv command
[2.67.0] 2022-01-18
- hardis:misc:toml2csv enhancements (rename and copy files)
- fix minimizing of profiles
- new command hardis:project:clean:listview
[2.66.2] 2022-01-13
- hardis:misc:toml2csv enhancements
[2.66.1] 2022-01-11
- minimizeProfiles: do not remove userPermissions if profile is default Admin profile
[2.66.0] 2022-01-07
- Check deployment with metadata project
[2.65.0] 2022-01-05
- Fix contribution install by upgrading dependencies
- Use soqlQuery method everywhere
- Set devhub alias when available
[2.64.1] 2021-12-29
- Update default apiVersion to 53.0
- Option to not remove empty types when subtracting package.xml
[2.64.0] 2021-12-24
- New command hardis:clean:minimizeprofiles
- New deployTip
- Apply packageDeployOnce.xml and packageDeployOnChange.xml in all contexts
- Package.xml mixing: fix wildcard
management - List metadatas of target org: complete with what sfpowerkit commands does not return (ListView,CustomLabel)
[2.63.0] 2021-12-21
- New event message refreshPlugins (used by VsCodeSFDX Hardis)
- Display Error message when unable to delete a temporary directory
[2.62.0] 2021-12-14
- Fix hardis:work:save crash when rebuilding deploymentPlan
- Fix XML indentation (#51). Can also be overridden by using env variable
[2.61.0] 2021-12-02
- Use same XML indentation than Salesforce (#51) (requires also upgrade of sfdx-essentials, using
sfdx plugins:install sfdx-essentials
[2.60.3] 2021-11-08
- Fix hardis:source:pull when there are errors
[2.60.2] 2021-11-06
- Allow to input URL to use to login
[2.60.1] 2021-11-05
- Fix hardis:scratch:pool:view when DevHub authentication is expired
[2.60.0] 2021-11-03
- Deployment failure: Tuning of error message + display of direct link to Deployment Status page in console logs
- When not in CI, prompt for the org to use to simulate deployments
[2.59.0] 2021-11-03
- (ALPHA,not really usable yet) Allow to use sandboxes for new task (create from production org, or clone from other sandbox)
- Fixes about scratch org initialization and JWT auth configuration
[2.58.3] 2021-10-23
- hardis:org:files:export: Fix file paths in logs
[2.58.2] 2021-10-18
- org:user:freeze : Prevent to freeze all profiles and current user profile
[2.58.1] 2021-10-18
- org:retrieve:sources:metadata : Manage locally defined
(that can handle wildcard members)
[2.58.0] 2021-10-16
- org:retrieve:sources:metadata : Run apex tests and legacy api check if we are in CI and in a repository named with
- Teams notifications for apex tests and legacy api failure
[2.57.2] 2021-10-13
- hardis:org:files:export
- Add file extension when missing
- replace .snote by .txt
- replace special characters in parent folder name and file name
[2.57.1] 2021-10-12
- Retry when BULK API Query returns a timeout
- hardis:org:files:export
- Use node-fetch-retry for direct downloads (retry up to 30 seconds by default)
- New argument
to start files extraction from a chunk position
[2.57.0] 2021-10-11
- Make hardis:org:user:freeze and hardis:org:user:unfreeze can now handle large volume of users, using Bulk API
[2.56.0] 2021-10-10
- Update auto-generated documentation to add a + its link in the menu
[2.55.3] 2021-10-05
- When not in CI, disable auto-update of .gitignore and .forceignore files because of a prompt library issue. To enable it, define AUTO_UPDATE env variable to "true"
[2.55.2] 2021-10-03
- Fix link to
[2.55.1] 2021-10-01
- SFDX_HARDIS_DEBUG_ENV. If set to true, display env vars at startup
[2.55.0] 2021-10-01
- Manage env var SFDX_HARDIS_DEPLOY_IGNORE_SPLIT_PACKAGES. If "true", package.xmls are not split with deploymentPlan
[2.54.0] 2021-09-27
- Allow to override force:org:create waiting time using SCRATCH_ORG_WAIT en variable (default: 15mn)
- hardis:org:select : new parameter
to allow to list only scratch orgs related to current Dev Hub - hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx2 : New parameter
to use default package.xml files (ex:wave
) - Scratch org pool: automatically delete too old ready-to-use scratch orgs
- Deploy Tips
- Wave deployment error
[2.53.1] 2021-09-14
- Update Object deployed when configuring scratch org pool (replace Html by LongTextArea)
[2.53.0] 2021-09-14
- Additional docker images, to use when stable and latest sfdx-cli versions arr broken
- hardisgroupcom/sfdx-hardis:latest-sfdx-recommended
- hardisgroupcom/sfdx-hardis:beta-sfdx-recommended
- hardisgroupcom/sfdx-hardis:alpha-sfdx-recommended
[2.52.0] 2021-09-14
- New command hardis:project:fix:v53flexipages to fix v53.0 broken ascending compatibility
- New command hardis:project:audit:duplicatefiles to detect doubling files in wrong sfdx folders
[2.51.6] 2021-09-10
- Take in account parameter
of sfdx-git-delta for packageOnChange.xml
[2.51.5] 2021-09-10
- hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi: Provide additional report with unique list of ips, hostnames (when available) , and number of calls
- Fix hardis
[2.51.4] 2021-09-03
- hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi: Allow to override default output reportfile with
[2.51.3] 2021-09-02
- Improve authentication log + less cases when launching again the same command can be necessary
- if you define
forceRestDeploy: true
in config,restDeploy: false
won't be set automatically anymore
[2.51.2] 2021-08-31
- Quick fixes hardis:doc:plugin:generate
- Fix crash when there are no license & changelog
[2.51.1] 2021-08-31
- Quick fixes hardis:doc:plugin:generate
- Handle when command.title or command.description is empty
- Add
# Commands
to the truncate markers
- Fix hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx
- Empty temp directories at the beginning of the command
- Add ForecastingType in the list of ignored metadatas for conversion to sfdx sources
[2.51.0] 2021-08-31
- Update hardis:doc:plugin:generate so main README part is displayed on doc
[2.50.0] 2021-08-30
- New commands to freeze users before deployment then unfreeze users after deployment
- sfdx hardis:org:user:freeze
- sfdx hardis:org:user:unfreeze
[2.49.1] 2021-08-30
- QuickFix scratch org auth during CI
[2.49.0] 2021-08-30
- Manage scratch org pools to enhance performances
- Initialize configuration with hardis:scratch:pool:configure
- Fetch a new scratch org from the pool when requesting creation of a new scratch org
[2.48.1] 2021-08-27
- QuickFix hardis:org:files:export
[2.48.0] 2021-08-27
- New command hardis:org:files:export to download all files (ContentVersion) attached to records (ex: Opportunity)
- Generate text log file in hardis-report/commands when sfdx-hardis is not run from CI
- hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi : simpler logs
[2.47.3] 2021-08-23
- hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi: Add more summary and statistics
[2.47.2] 2021-08-23
- Fix hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi (display raw logs when CSV builder is crashing) , using papaparse instead of objects-to-csv package
[2.47.1] 2021-08-19
- Use --permissivediff to call sfdx-git-delta if the argument is available
- Manage env vars SKIP_PACKAGE_DEPLOY_ON_CHANGE and SKIP_PACKAGE_DEPLOY_ONCE . If set to true, related packageDeployOnChange.xml and packageDeployOnce.xml are ignored
- Define locally method to remove package.xml from another, to improve performances
[2.47.0] 2021-08-19
- New feature: use packageDeployOnChange.xml, to skip deployment of items that has not been updated since last update
- Create docker images with sfdx-cli@stable version
- alpha-sfdx-stable
- beta-sfdx-stable
- latest-sfdx-stable
[2.46.0] 2021-08-16
- Allow to run git delta command on local updates
- Update labels of hardis:data commands
- New technical command: hardis:work:ws , to call VsCode Extension refresh from CLI
[2.45.0] 2021-08-15
- Refactor hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi with jsforce to handle more log entries
- Do not display
git branch -v
in logs
[2.44.0] 2021-08-14
- New command hardis:org:diagnose:legacyapi : Detect use of deprecated API versions in production org
[2.43.1] 2021-07-23
- Update deployTips
- Update json schema
[2.43.0] 2021-07-22
- Better split of elements during hardis:work:save
- Display elapsed time for long running commands
[2.42.2] 2021-07-20
- Use relative path for sfdmu data import/export
[2.42.1] 2021-07-19
- Fix data import & export commands when spaces in folder names
[2.42.0] 2021-07-12
- New command sfdx hardis:project:lint
- Update .sfdx-hardis.yml configuration JsonSchema
[2.41.2] 2021-07-12
- QuickFix case when title is not set (use first line of description)
[2.41.1] 2021-07-12
- Quickfix default mkdocs.yml
[2.41.0] 2021-07-12
- Add JSON Schema for
configuration files - Automatic SFDX Plugin documentation generation for any SFDX Plugin
[2.40.0] 2021-07-08
- hardis:scratch:create: Initialize data using SFDMU, if defined in .sfdx-hardis.json
property withimportInScratchOrgs: true
- Example
- dataPath: scripts/data/LightningSchedulerConfig
importInScratchOrgs: true
- Propose to update or not default target git branch
- List target git branches if defined in .sfdx-hardis.json
property - hardis:scratch:delete: Propose only scratch orgs related to currently selected Dev Hub
- New command hardis:org:configure:data to initialize a SFDMU project, sfdx-hardis flavored
- Display data package label & description, from SFDMU folder config.json properties
- hardis:org:data:import & hardis:org:data:import: Allow to select current org or another when running data import/export commands
- Display Dev Hub username when listing orgs for selection
[2.31.1] 2021-07-02
- hardis:scratch:delete : Display instanceUrl & last usage of scratch orgs displayed before deletion
[2.31.0] 2021-07-02
- New command hardis:scratch:delete to delete scratch orgs locally referenced.
[2.30.1] 2021-06-30
- hardis:org:connect : Propose user to open org in browser if not in CI
[2.30.0] 2021-06-30
- Update hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig so it allows to select an org, and to update sfdx-hardis configuration
[2.29.0] 2021-06-29
- New command hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx2 to assist call to force:source:retrieve using a package.xml file
- Improve hardis:project:generate:gitdelta by allowing to select commits from their description
- Use magenta to display config file updates
[2.28.0] 2021-06-23
- CI: Check Docker image security with trivy
- Avoid git error when development branch is updated
[2.27.1] 2021-06-21
- Fix CountryCode when updating scratch org user. Default FR - France, can be updated with config defaultCountry and defaultCountryCode in .sfdx-hardis.yml
[2.27.0] 2021-06-20
- Clean Lookup filters before force:source:push, then restore them and push again
- Manage
config property, in case the root of git repository is at a parent level than sfdx project root - Allow to override separate deployments using config property
- Set git config core.quotepath to false to manage special characters in git files / folders
- Run sfdx git delta at the root of the git repository
- Rename DeferSharingCalc permission set into SfdxHardisDeferSharingCalc
- New Deployment tips
- Contributing documentation
[2.26.4] 2021-06-18
- Do not write user config when current folder is empty
[2.26.1] 2021-06-17
- Take in account testLevel from
in deployments
[2.26.0] 2021-06-16
- New command hardis:project:generate:gitdelta to generate the package.xml calculated between two commits
- New command hardis:org:connect to connect to an org without selecting it (can be used to refresh expired token)
- Propose choice to to skip .gitignore & .forceignore files auto-update
- Define triggerNotification on Command class to trigger MsTeams notifs
- Update org type selection message
[2.25.3] 2021-06-14
- Fix bug when selecting an org from outside a SFDX project folder
[2.25.2] 2021-06-14
- Refresh VsCode Sfdx Hardis UI when creating / loading a SFDX Project
[2.25.1] 2021-06-13
- Check if folder is a git repo before updating git config
[2.25.0] 2021-06-12
- New parameter keepmetadatatypes for hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx
- Check dependencies
- Improve performances
- Check application dependencies (git,openssl)
[2.24.0] 2021-06-10
- New command hardis:org:purge:apexlog to purge all Apex Logs of selected org
[2.23.0] 2021-06-07
- Manage installation key for unlocked packages installation
- Deployment: manage --canmodify SFDMU argument (define sfdmuCanDeploy in sfdx-hardis branch config file)
[2.22.0] 2021-06-03
- New command hardis:project:clean:orgmissingitems : Remove elements that are not existing in target org (only in ReportType for now)
- hardis:project:clean:references : Remove cleaned items from package.xml files
- Externalization of method to select an org (+ reorder of list of displayed orgs)
[2.21.0] 2021-06-02
- hardis:project:clean:references: Improve performances for removing files
- hardis:scratch:create : Shorten scratch org auto-generated name
- Authenticate to an org: Request user to set alias if not provided
- Update default gitlab-ci.yml
- New method promptProfiles
[2.20.3] 2021-05-26
- Set prompt UI timeout to 2h instead of 5mn
[2.20.2] 2021-05-25
- Fix call to sfdmu (add --noprompt)
[2.20.1] 2021-05-23
- Fix scratch org listing
[2.20.0] 2021-05-21
- hardis:work:save : Prompt user to pull from scratch org or not before saving
- Do not update package.json anymore
- hardis:scratch:create : Fix reuse scratch org prompt
[2.19.0] 2021-05-20
- Detect when auth token is expired
- More deploy tips
- Clean ProductRequest items
[2.18.0] 2021-05-18
New commands
- hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig: Retrieves .sfdx-hardis.yml property installedPackaged from an existing org
- hardis:project:clean:emptyitems: Delete empty items from SFD project
- hardis:project:clean:hiddenitems: Delete hidden items (from managed packages) from SFDX project
- Update default values for JWT connected app creation
- Manage
to be taken in account for all sfdx hardis commands - More deployment tips
- hardis:project:clean:manageditems: New
argument - org:retrieve:source:dx : Do not erase .gitignore, .forceignore , and project-scratch-def is already existing locally
- Remove shape temp folder to avoid a force:org:create bug
[2.17.3] 2021-05-18
- Fix .gitignore automatic update constraint
[2.17.2] 2021-05-10
- Default init scratch org using push and not deploy
- QuickFix mergeRequest links local storage
[2.17.0] 2021-05-10
- New command hardis:project:convert:profilestopermsets to convert all profiles into permission sets
- hardis:scratch:create : Fix permission set auto assignment when creating a scratch org (use property initPermissionSets in .sfdx-hardis.yml)
[2.16.1] 2021-05-09
- hardis:work:save : Fix storage in config file of Merge Request info
- Update deploy tips
[2.16.0] 2021-05-08
- hardis:project:clean:manageditems : Clean SFDX project from managed classes
- hardis:project:clean:retrievefolders: Clean/Complete SFDX project with missing folders (dashboard,email,reports)
- hardis:project:clean:standarditems : Clean SFDX project from objects with no custom within
- More deployment error tips
- New parameter websocket for all commands
- Indicating in logs when deployment is a simulation
[2.15.1] 2021-05-02
- QuickFix hardis:work:save
[2.15.0] 2021-04-30
- hardis:project:clean:references : New cleaning module dashboards removing reference to users in Dashboards sources
[2.14.0] 2021-04-29
- Manage manifest/packageDeployOnce.xml : all its items that are already present in target org will not be deployed again
[2.13.4] 2021-04-26
- New deploy tips
- Do not update local files when calling configure commands
- hardis:work:save : Fix branch update issue
[2.13.3] 2021-04-23
- Remove PMD rule :
- CyclomaticComplexity
[2.13.2] 2021-04-22
- QuickFix hardis
version:promote --auto
[2.13.0] 2021-04-21
- hardis:work:save
- New parameter --nogit for expert developers who want to manage git operations themselves
- New parameter --noclean for expert developers who want to manage clean operations themselves
- Update default Mega-Linter config
[2.12.0] 2021-04-19
- set to "true" in CI variables when there are QuickActions dependent of Flows that are later in publication plan
- then set again to "false" and the deployment will pass :)
- hardis:project:clean:references : now deletes obsolete objects and objectTranslations
- hardis:work:save : More categories in interactive git add
- Improve authentication check performances
- New command hardis:config:get to return all config for project, branch or user
- New deployment errors tips
[2.11.0] 2021-04-15
- Delete scratch org when its initialization has failed during CI
- Clean obsolete object fields and objectTranslations
[2.10.4] 2021-04-15
- Provide password to user when creating new scratch org
- Update CI default config to allow to not delete scratch orgs (define
in gitlab-ci-config.yml) - New deploy tips: record type not found, picklist value not found
[2.10.3] 2021-04-14
- Allow advanced user to bypass auth check (set
in config/user/***.sfdx-hardis.yml) - Optimize check of
force:config:set restDeploy: false
- hardis
version:create : Store package installation password in project config + fixes
[2.10.2] 2021-04-14
- hardis:work:refresh : Make sure the user saved his work (commit) before merging another branch in current branch
[2.10.1] 2021-04-11
- hardis:org:test:apex : Fix regex to new Apex Test results stdout format
[2.10.0] 2021-04-11
- hardis:work:save : Automatic generation of split package.xml and deploymentPlan in .sfdx-hardis.yml
- hardis:work:save : Propose to export data when saving
- Remove duplicates from .gitignore and .forceignore
- Add chromium in dockerfile
[2.9.4] 2021-04-09
- Fix refresh
- Update project cleaning references
[2.9.3] 2021-04-08
- hardis:work:refresh : allow to refresh from another branch
[2.9.2] 2021-04-08
- hardis:work:save : Fix issue when trying to stage & commit ignored files after project cleaning
- hardis:project:configure:auth Improve error message when unable to upload ConnectedApp on production environment
- Update default Apex PMD ruleset
- Use replace and not replaceAll for node14 compatibility
[2.9.1] 2021-04-07
- Clean git reset before save
- Clean git stash before new task
[2.9.0] 2021-04-06
- New command hardis:project:create
- Refactor project cleaning and allow to use external config files (destructiveChanges-like.xml or json)
- Fixes
- hardis:work:save : Create destructiveChanges.xml if not existing
- hardis:work:save : call forceSourcePull method to propose to update .forceignore if errors are found
- hardis:project:configure:auth: call mdapi:deploy with RunLocalTests to manage production environments
- authentication: auth only to devHub if --devhub sent
- Disable spinner for restDeploy check
[2.8.5] 2021-04-06
- QuickFix question icon
[2.8.4] 2021-04-06
- Allow to skip pull before save
- New deployTip: code coverage items with 0%
- Fix DevHub auth when credential out of date
- Use latest sfdx-cli package
- Init git config only if we are not in CI
[2.8.3] 2021-04-01
- Fix package creation
- When using VsCode UI via WebSocket, display selected values in console logs
[2.8.2] 2021-04-01
- hardis:work:save : reset ongoing merge if existing
- Fix git reset call
[2.8.0] 2021-03-31
- Define git and if not set
- Define VsCode as git merge/diff tool if none is defined
- Unstash changes (git reset) at the beginning of hardis:work:save
- Deploy destructive changes after real deployment
- hardis:project:clean:references now works also to remove references to content of manifest/destructiveChanges.xml
- hardis:work:save: Clean sfdx project while saving it
- Factorize temp directory creation
[2.7.2] 2021-03-30
- Check user is sure to want to reuse an existing scratch org
- Fix hardis:work:refresh
[2.7.1] 2021-03-29
- Fix auto-fix of .gitignore and .forceignore
- Propose to auto-update .force ignore when there is a pull issue
[2.7.0] 2021-03-29
- Communicate with VsCode SFDX Hardis extension via WebSocket if server is found
- Send user input prompts to VsCode UI if WebSocket server found
- Send refreshStatus notifications when context is updated
- Arrange some messages for better display on UI
[2.6.0] 2021-03-28
- New command hardis:project:clean:references to clean SFDX project from license references
- hardis:scratch:create: Load sfdmu workspace
if existing in , to initialize scratch org data
[2.5.0] 2021-03-28
- New command hardis:source:push
- New command hardis:source:pull
- Various mini-fixes
- Move deploymentPlan.json within .sfdx-hardis.json
- Retry management for execCommand function. ex:
retry: {retryDelay: 30,retryStringConstraint: 'some string present in output', retryMaxAttempts: 5}
[2.4.0] 2021-03-27
- Add sfdmu & sfdx-git-delta in dependencies & Dockerfile
- Import data with sfdmu
- Manage data import steps in
- New command hardis:org:data:export
- New command hardis:org:data:import
[2.3.0] 2021-03-26
- hardis:work:save: Do not git add manifest files when they have not been updated
- Select type of org to connect: enhance label
- Multi-Select default to 9999 items displayed
- Display tips about deployment failures when they happen
- Create scratch org: When DeferSharingCalc in features, suspend and resume sharing calc during force:source:push
- Allow to define a file
to split the deployment into separate package.xml files
"packages": [
"label": "SharingRulesAccount",
"packageXmlFile": "splits/packageXmlSharingRulesAccount.xml",
"order": 10,
"waitAfter": 60
"label": "SharingRulesVisit__c",
"packageXmlFile": "splits/packageXmlSharingRulesAccountVisit__c.xml",
"order": 10
[2.2.1] 2021-03-23
- QuickFix 2.2.1
- Use RunLocalTests when deploying ConnectedApp metadata to production org
[2.2.0] 2021-03-23
- Enhance security by encrypting SSH private key
[2.1.7] 2021-03-22
- More categories for Interactive Git Add (Aura,LWC, Tech Config)
- Auto-update .forceignore
- Fix
[2.1.6] 2021-03-20
- Fix org authentication check
[2.1.5] 2021-03-19
- Unlimited list of items displayed during interactive git add
- Uniformize prompts to user
[2.1.4] 2021-03-17
- Deploy with --ignorewarnings
[2.1.3] 2021-03-17
- Fix hardis:retrieve:sources:dx when not in a DX project
- Fix deloyment of Connected App in production
- Display more options by page during interactive git add
- Sort files to git add by group and manage preselection
[2.1.2] 2021-03-14
- Improve package installation
- Allow to install a package not listed in sfdx-hardis
- Allow to configure automatic installation during deployments, or not
- Allow to configure automatic installation during scratch org initialisation, or not
- Reformat strings when no spaces are allowed in a user input
[2.1.1] 2021-03-12
- Fix hardis:scratch:create when initDataRequests
[2.1.0] 2021-03-10
- New command hardis:data:tree:export
- scratch:create: Import init data using .sfdx-hardis.yml
property - scratch:create: Assign to permission set (or PS groups) using .sfdx-hardis.yml
[2.0.0] 2021-03-09
- New command hardis
create to create Managed and Unlocked packages
- Migrate from tslint to eslint
- Fix dependencies hell
- Fix hardis:org:purge:flow with new result format (#49)
[1.6.1] 2021-03-09
- Update sfdx-project.json when installing a package
- Refresh env & scratch org if same scratch org is reused
- Update default files for CI & monitoring projects
- Do not deploy packages from hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx when we are in --check mode !
- Better output display for hardis:org:test:apex
[1.6.0] - 2021-03-08
- New package commands
- hardis
- hardis
- hardis
- hardis
[1.5.1] - 2021-03-07
- Use shared Mega-Linter configuration
[1.5.0] 2021-03-05
- New command hardis:org:select
- New command hardis:work:resetselection
- hardis:work:save: Upgrade package.xml and destructiveChanges.xml from git diff
- Improve console logging of git operations
[1.4.1] 2021-03-03
- Update default gitlab-ci.yml
- rename commands:
- hardis:work:new
- hardis:work:refresh
- hardis:work:save
- cosmetic enhancements
[1.4.0] 2021-02-28
- New work commands to make easier non technical users to use Hardis CI
- hardis:work:task:new
- hardis:work:task:save
- hardis:work:task:refresh
[1.3.6] 2021-02-26
- Quick fix hardis:org:configure:monitoring + colors
[1.3.5] 2021-02-26
- Workaround when --soapdeploy argument is not available
[1.3.4] 2021-02-25
- Reuse msTeamsWebhookUrl during sfdx:org:configure:monitoring prompts
- Allow to override CONFIG_BRANCH to get forced .sfdx.hardis.BRANCH.yml
[1.3.3] 2021-02-24
- Soap option for force:mdapi:deploy
[1.3.2] 2021-02-24
- Guide user to assign rights to Connected App in sfdx:org:configure:monitoring
[1.3.1] 2021-02-24
- Manage git clone & push for sfdx:org:configure:monitoring
- Manage upload of connected app metadata for sfdx:org:configure:monitoring
[1.3.0] 2021-02-23
30: Remove use of sfdx-node
- New command sfdx:project:deploy:sources:metadata
- Generate .cache folder only when necessary
- New command sfdx:org:configure:monitoring
[1.2.0] 2021-02-21
24: Change the way of listing installed packages
26: New command sfdx hardis:project:configure:deployments to configure Connected app
27: Check in manifest folder for package.xml
- Auto-generate alpha version of plugin package and associated docker image when publishing from branch alpha
- Manage cache storage for CI dependent jobs (cache, artifacts)
- .cache/sfdx-hardis/.sfdx
- .sfdx
- config/user
- Improve org authentication
- New command hardis:org:test
- Test org coverage and fail if < 75%
- Installed package management
- Factorize method
- Install packages during hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx
- Allow to reuse scratch org if previous creation failed. Force using --forcenew
- Improve auto-update of local project sfdx-hardis files
- Improve console logs
- Allow to store DevHubSfdxClientId in user sfdx-hardis.yml ( in /user folder)
[1.1.3] 2021-02-17
- Fix cases when directory is not git
[1.1.0] 2021-02-17
- New command hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx (alpha)
- New command hardis:project:audit:apiversion
[1.0.1] 2021-02-15
- Fix auth:login to avoid DevHub auth when not necessary
[1.0.0] 2021-02-15
- New command hardis:scratch:create
- Advanced project initialization using
argument forsfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx
- Automatic generation of .sfdx-hardis*.yml configuration files
- Automatic update of project package.json to add sfdx-hardis utilities
[0.5.10] 2021-02-12
- Allow purges to fail without making sfdx command fail
[0.5.5] 2021-02-10
- Check if installed sfdx-hardis is the latest version, else display a message to advise the user to upgrade to latest
[0.5.4] 2021-02-09
- Fixes:
: Do not crash in case the Flow is not deletable
[0.5.2] 2021-02-07
- Fixes:
argument is ignored
[0.5.1] 2021-02-04
- Fixes:
- Add more items to metadatas not convertible to sfdx sources
- Issue when using --sandbox argument
[0.5.0] 2021-02-03
- New command
: Audit sfdx project (or metadatas) sources to list all CallIns and CallOuts from Apex / Triggers code parsing - New command
: Audit sfdx project (or metadatas) sources to list all remote site settings of an org
[0.4.1] 2021-02-01
- Fix: Manage Hooks only from hardis namespace commands
[0.4.0] 2021-02-01
- Send MS Teams notifications if set environment variable MS_TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL or msTeamsWebhookUrl in .sfdx-hardis.yml
[0.3.1] 2021-01-31
- Always regenerate full package.xml before retrieving metadatas
[0.3.0] 2021-01-31
- Build and upload nvuillam/sfdx-hardis docker image when releasing a new version
- New command force:auth:login + manage login using JWT for CI
[0.2.0] 2021-01-31
- New command sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:metadata : Retrieve all metadata from an org
[0.1.1] 2021-01-31
- New command sfdx hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx : Create SFDX project from remote org
[0.0.1] 2021-01-26
- New command sfdx hardis:org:purge:flow : Purge Obsolete flow versions to avoid the 50 max versions limit