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Init from Existing Org

If this is a new Salesforce project, or if you want to setup CI/CD in incremental mode, you can skip this step and directly go to Create first merge request.

Thanks to tracked sandboxes, you can also decide to opt for an half-incremental init, with only some metadata types like Apex, LWC & Permission sets. In that case retrieve manually the metadatas you need, for example with Org Browser.

If you want to go for a full init setup, follow the steps below !

Retrieve Metadatas

  • Run the following command that will retrieve locally all the metadatas of production org

sf hardis:org:retrieve:sources:dx --shape -u YOURSOURCEORGUSERNAME

Example :

  • sf hardis:org:generate:packagexmlfull --targetusername --outputfile ./packagexmlfull.xml
  • Remove Document part on packagexmlfull.xml
  • sf project:retrieve:start -x ./packagexmlfull.xml --ignore-conflicts

Automated Metadatas Cleaning

You have way too many metadatas locally, including standard and managed items that are not customize so are not needed in the repository.

Proceed to the following steps to automatically remove many of them, then proceed to the final manual cleaning

Remove Managed items

Run the following command to delete all elements with a namespace.

sf hardis:project:clean:manageditems --namespace SOMENAMESPACE

Remove (hidden) files

Some items have no namespace but are managed anyway, and contain (hidden), so they must me deleted with the following command.

sf hardis:project:clean:hiddenitems

Remove empty items

Some files are empty and do not need to be kept in repository, remove them using the following command.

sf hardis:project:clean:emptyitems

Standard objects without custom

The retrieve command pulled all standard objects and fields.

Those which has never been customized do not need to remain in repository, delete them using the following command (that can take some time)

sf hardis:project:clean:standarditems

Manual Metadata Cleaning

Automated Metadata cleaning removed a lot of items, but many are remaining that are useless in the repo.

Manually delete files (or even folders) that are maintained directly in production org

  • applications: Delete the ones starting with standard__
  • àppMenus: Delete all folder
  • cleanDataServices: Delete all folder
  • dashboards: Delete all user dashboards
  • emailServices: Delete all folder
  • flowDefinitions : Delete all folder (Salesforce now uses flow folder)
  • installedPackages: Delete all folder
  • layouts: Delete all standard layouts that has not been customized
  • profiles : Delete all standard profiles
  • profilePasswordPolicies: Delete all folder
  • profileSessionSettings: Delete all folder,
  • reports: Delete all reports that have been created directly in production org

Retrieve installed packages

Run the following command to retrieve packages installed on production org

sf hardis:org:retrieve:packageconfig -u YOUR_PROD_ORG_USER

This will update file config/.sfdx-hardis.yml

  • Keep only the packages that you are using in all orgs.
  • Define installDuringDeployments property to true if you need this package installed on all orgs
  • Define installOnScratchOrgs property to true if you are using scratch orgs and need this package installed when you create a new scratch org


  - Id: 0A37Z000000AtDYSA0
    SubscriberPackageId: 033i0000000LVMYAA4
    SubscriberPackageName: Marketing Cloud
    SubscriberPackageNamespace: et4ae5
    SubscriberPackageVersionId: 04t6S000001UjutQAC
    SubscriberPackageVersionName: Marketing Cloud
    installOnScratchOrgs: true
    installDuringDeployments: true
  - Id: 0A35r0000009F9CCAU
    SubscriberPackageId: 033b0000000Pf2AAAS
    SubscriberPackageName: Declarative Lookup Rollup Summaries Tool
    SubscriberPackageNamespace: dlrs
    SubscriberPackageVersionId: 04t5p000001BmLvAAK
    SubscriberPackageVersionName: Release
    installOnScratchOrgs: true
    installDuringDeployments: true

Create first merge request

Don't forget to run and to follow other instructions before creating your initial merge request !

Time to create the first merge request !

You'll probably have many updates to perform in new commits before having all jobs in green :)