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Assisted menu to start working on a Salesforce task.

Advanced instructions in Create New Task documentation

At the end of the command, it will allow you to work on either a scratch org or a sandbox, depending on your choices.

Under the hood, it can:

  • Make git pull to be up to date with target branch
  • Create new git branch with formatted name (you can override the choices using .sfdx-hardis.yml property branchPrefixChoices)
  • Create and initialize a scratch org or a source-tracked sandbox (config can be defined using config/.sfdx-hardis.yml):
  • (and for scratch org only for now):
    • Install packages - Use property installedPackages
      • Push sources
      • Assign permission sets
        • Use property initPermissionSets
      • Run apex initialization scripts
        • Use property scratchOrgInitApexScripts
      • Load data
        • Use property dataPackages

Override .sfdx-hardis.yml config


By default, there is only one target branch (value of property developmentBranch).

You can define multiple target branches (for the future Pull Request) by setting the property availableTargetBranches in your .sfdx-hardis.yml file.

The selected branch will checked out and be used as base to create the user new feature branch.


  - integration
  - preprod
  - integration,Select this to work from the integration branch (project stream)
  - preprod,Select this to work from the preprod branch (run stream)


You can add a first question "What is the project your task is for" if you define a property availableProjects

The select will be used as first part of the git branch name. (ex: france/features/dev/JIRA123-webservice-get-account)


  - build
  - run
  - some-big-project
  - france
  - uk
  - build,Select this to work on the build project
  - run,Select this to work on the run project
  - some-big-project,Select this to work on the some big project
  - france,Select this to work on the France project
  - uk,Select this to work on the UK project


If you want to force a specific format for the task name, you can define a property newTaskNameRegex in your .sfdx-hardis.yml file.

Please also define a property newTaskNameRegexExample to give an example to the user.


newTaskNameRegex: '^[A-Z]+-[0-9]+ .*'
newTaskNameRegexExample: 'MYPROJECT-123 Update account status validation rule'


If contributors can share dev sandboxes, let's not ask them if they want to overwrite their colleagues' changes when creating a new task :)


Name Type Description Default Required Options
boolean Activate debug mode (more logs)
flags-dir option undefined
json boolean Format output as json.
skipauth boolean Skip authentication check when a default username is required
option undefined
option undefined
websocket option Websocket host:port for VsCode SFDX Hardis UI integration


$ sf hardis:work:new